LivePerson headquartered in New York offers solutions for AI-guided live chat and conversational messaging, with the Conversation Cloud (formerly LiveEngage), supporting sales and service teams with answering questions across all popular messaging channels.
Score 9.6 out of 10
Qualified is a conversational sales and marketing platform for Salesforce, which, starting with chatbots and live chat, includes advanced routing and omnichannel alerts, so users can prompt sales reps to take immediate action with their named accounts.
Liveperson LiveEngage is good for larger deployments with lots of agents, and where the rollout plan is broad with respect to the visitors who you will be targeting. It allows you to manipulate more of the data for reporting than many other platforms. The premium cost and some drawbacks with configuring smaller groups might make it lose some appeal for smaller companies or deployments.
Our organization chose Qualified over other companies because of how well it helps us connect with prospective customers. It is user-friendly and really helps you not miss out on opportunities with target accounts. Qualified makes it feel like you're working as a team to create opportunities with target accounts. Qualified also provides great customer service. Their team does whatever is needed to make sure we get the assistance we need
The login and interface are near flawless (for what I need). Each of our chat reps has learned how to use it within minutes. Procedure on how to answer certain questions etc., are the only trouble we have, but LiveEngage actually helps with that by storing easily accessible pre-made responses to help guide you or just to paste in directly.
Visibility into the context of a customer's question is very helpful. Before I open a chat window, I know exactly what a customer has been browsing prior to asking, and I can usually gather a context from the pre-chat question window. Functionally, it does everything I need it to. Though I don't spend much time in the platform.
There haven't been glitches that I remember or have heard of from other reps. The chats usually continue uninterrupted for the duration. Also, you can copy and paste the log pretty easily if necessary.
Is my understanding that they have their majority of support between US and Israel, which is great however the timeframe to get a response depending on the issue may take longer than expected.
Their dev support can take some getting used to, some issues that are not supported by their regular tech support is within Dev and you will be redirected to their website.
LivePerson has been a great tool for our company and everything is customized. We can customize everything from the canned responses, operator surveys, and customer surveys. We receive a lot of positive information from our customers; and to be able to provide technical support of the website as well as status information for already placed orders is awesome allows us to bring all of our support tools together into one management system. It does not have all the features that LivePerson has for support but it has all the features we need. It also gives us an easier path to self-service and gives our user more direct access to all the channels they need
Qualified provides exceptional customer service. He is constantly eager and able to answer all the issues raised, he also offers excellent subscription prices, he is useful for organizing meetings in the sales area, discussions with VIP clients directly from our website.
Without giving away numbers, I know it has been a huge tool for our customer solutions department. Conversion isn't as high as compared to phones, but in terms of providing customers with quick information (shipping prices/times, trade restrictions, order status, etc.) it's huge.
Increased employee efficiency is a huge one. The capability of taking 3 chats at a time allows each Rep to be way more efficient than on phones alone.
Giving the customer the choice to call in, chat or email is huge. LP combines chat and email into one intuitive program so, again, it increases efficiencies for our team and allows them to provide better customer service.
Qualified really increases the turnaround time for opportunities on our platform.
Qualified helps to prioritize, categorize and communicate with our potential customers at various stages of the buying process.
With Qualified our sales team can see who is visiting our website, accessing certain pages and most importantly, connecting with them in vital moments thanks to the tool's conversational sales and marketing platform.
We can track your interests, lead you to the right person, set up meetings, and move further up the sales cycle using this channel.
Leads are now automatically integrated into our CRM, eliminating administrative effort and bringing our sales teams closer to our customers than ever before.