PerformYard, headquartered in Arlington, VA, providesperformance management software aimed at providing features for HR and a simple employee experience. It offers HR teams tools to build out any performance management strategy so employees get a streamlined experience so they can focus on quality feedback and effective performance discussions.
per month per employee
Score 4.9 out of 10
Talentsoft, now from Cegid (acquired July 2021) is a talent management suite consisting of Core HR capabilities (Talentsoft Hub), applicant tracking and recruiting (Hello Talent), corporate LMS, employee performance review and compensation management and planning, and requisite analytics. Also, Talentsoft Continuous Conversation is a team-centric solution that facilitates coaching conversations between managers and employees, by establishing a flexible OKR* and feedback approach across the…
Perform Yard is best suited for business managers to monitor the performance of their employees, set and review goals as well as implement performance improvement plans. It’s not so ideal for small groups. The precise questions asked of the employees makes it perfect for the responses to paint the overall picture of the progress and production of the employee, and helps supervisors really gauge the output from their employees. Overall, it is a great tool to utilize for monitoring employees progress, as well as evaluate the employee at your end to assist with setting goals for the new year.
I think some of my problems with Talentsoft aren't so much the fault of the software as it is how my company is organized. I have to enter many different property levels so that a review gets created, I'm not certain that these fields are required by Talentsoft or by my corporate office. This software is not suited for companies where a segment of the employees do not have a company email address and/or access to a company computer
Customer Service! The service support is unmatched compared to other vendors! Our rep is nothing short of amazing with her timeliness, helpfulness, and ability to navigate the issues we encounter!
Streamlining automated reviews - Effortlessly send out a whole years reviews in one sitting!
Auto updating from our HRIS system - Automated SFTP integration with our HRIS system to auto update employee fields and keep the system up to date with less manual process!
Having the reviews in Talentsoft makes it much easier for one person to manage the entire process from start to finish.
When an employee switches managers during the year, the delegation feature makes it very easy to have the previous manager add their input to the employees review.
Being able to have a daily import file from our HR system into Talentsoft helps in having the information in Talentsoft be current.
Don't really need to have multiple team member selection options in the dashboard. Would be more efficient to drill down from the team member selected rather than have to scroll through the list amongst all other team members data files.
Would be nice if contributors could also opine as to the perceived level of performance for the person they are commenting on, i.e., unsat, sat, excellent.
It has been excellent among the employees. It is a great way to keep up with the tasks and goals throughout the year. Manager/employee communication can increase with this program. It is very easy to use and understand. Navigation can be a bit tricky but the overall ease of going through it is splendid.
This is one of the best features of PerformYard - it is extremely easy to use and intuitive. There was no learning curve. This is what is so phenomenal about PerformYard. Their layout, while offering so many features, is extremely simple.
The support from PerformYard is unmatched when compared to other systems I have worked with. Not to say that the support personnel always have an immediate answer, but they are so committed to solution and timeliness that it is not long before we are able to work through any issues. Emails are quickly returned for ease of access, and they never fail to offer to hop on a call and visually walk through something if that may help the issue!
Training for PerformYard was fantastic and very easy to understand! I highly recommend this product to any company. It is super helpful for communicating with staff, for keeping track of your goals, tasks and reviews for the current (or past) year. Definitely get online training for implementation. You won't regret it!
Our Human Resources department handled the implementation of PerformYard and they did a fantastic job. A tutorial was sent out via email to all employees with a requirement of viewing it. In additionto that, a ZOOM session was scheduled so that any questions or concerns could be answered after viewing the tutorial.
PerformYard is much more specialized for feedback, where the rest seemed to add it as a lesser feature. I wanted a tool that’s built around making it easier to both give standardized feedback as well as receive and review it. This has helped streamline our practices and inspection on completion is easy as well.
I think SuccessFactors is more flexible to customer needs when creating review templates and allowing access to goals year round. They also track changes for the goals. Talentsoft was selected by our corporate office before I started with the company.
It has encouraged me to actually complete goals rather than "almost" complete them because I want to be able to check off the box.
Sometimes it's difficult to track goals without clear metrics, however, this might be a positive thing because it encourages the user to create metric-based goals.
One positive impact is the impact this program has on extrinsically motivated employees.