Buyer's Guide to Accounting Software

In this guide you'll find:

TrustRadius Top Rated Accounting Software Badge for 2015
  • In-depth exploration of the Accounting market & capabilities offered by each vendor
  • TrustMaps showing the Top Rated tools used by Small Businesses, Mid-Size Companies and Enterprises based on user ratings & research frequency on TrustRadius
  • Detailed profiles of 18 Accounting tools, including pros & cons as cited in 700 authenticated end-user reviews and ratings
  • Key factors to consider when selecting an accounting software product

We are excited to publish our first Buyer's Guide to Accounting Software, based on feedback and insights from real software users on TrustRadius. The guide provides practical guidance to help you find the best accounting software solution for your use case, based on the experience of hundreds of others like you.

For this guide, we have analyzed more than 700 reviews and ratings of 18 different accounting software products. Each reviewer was vetted and validated by a TrustRadius team member. The result is an independent analysis of the leading accounting products, uninfluenced by vendors or anyone else with an agenda. As with our other buyer's guides, we hope this report will help you as you decide which accounting software best fits your needs.

In the guide you will find:

  • A primer on accounting software for those new to the field
  • A discussion of trends and new technology that is shifting the center of gravity of this market
  • Analyses (2-dimensional charts) we call TrustMaps™, comparing the software products based on average “Likelihood to Recommend” ratings and the number of individuals researching the product on TrustRadius (an indication of market presence or growth momentum)
  • Product ratings across multiple factors, such as usability and customer service, from real user reviews
    TrustRadius TrustMaps

Photo of Alan Cooke, Research Manager, TrustRadiusAs always, we'd love to hear your feedback on the guide.

Alan Cooke
Research Manager, TrustRadius