Domo for Business Intelligence Decisions
Overall Satisfaction with Domo
Domo is used as a business intelligence layer for our company. We use Domo to import data sources and aggregate information into an readable and accessible format. Domo cards are shared throughout the organization, which enables us make better business decisions from the executive level all the way down to the customer service level.
- Domo is good at categorizing data sources into common pages, and cards, which can be shared with specific users or groups of users. This keeps data secure, but also accessible for those that need it.
- Domo cards are easy to copy and manipulate. For instance if a card is normally viewed as a weekly view by day, the viewer of the card can easily change the data to show the last year grouped by quarter instead.
- Since Domo can keep tons of historical data, we use it to correlate business decisions and study trends.
- Domo has a robust Beast Mode calculator, which has been augmented several times in the past year. I wish they would keep one design and stick with it.
- Domo should have a way of sharing colors between common cards. For instance we have users from different verticals mapped on cards, and the verticals color changes depending on the card. I'd like to keep the colors the same.
- Domo is user friendly, I just wish there were an easier way for us to import data. This may be due to process more than the limitations of Domo though.
There are other applications that allow users to graph raw data, but it really depends on what types of decisions you're trying to make off these graphs. For instance, Zabbix is more for monitoring and alerting, whereas Domo is more informational to study trends. Given that fact, I cannot compare Domo to another application, since it's use case is unique.
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