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Overall Satisfaction with InsideView
It is used by marketing employees to research and verify company data.
- The News Feed can be sorted by personal watchlist, which is very useful for scanning the news that's most relevant to our company.
- The business description helps users categorize and describe the company for more accurate profiles.
- The Family Tree is easy to filter and sort, and makes it easy to see relationships with subsidiaries in different countries.
- Revenue is often missing, especially from smaller companies.
- Primary SIC codes are often incorrect.
- Company contact information is often out-of-date, as compared with other databases and/or the company website.
- It helps us keep up-to-date records of customers and companies we are targeting.
- It helps me filter news stories so I can find relevant, actionable news items.
InsideView gives us a good basis of information about companies. We refer to it many times a day to research/verify company revenue, contact details, employee count, SIC code, subsidiaries, etc. However, we verify the information against at least one other database (1-2 of those listed above) to be sure the data are accurate and up-to-date.
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