Save time and effort with JobDiva
June 24, 2021
Save time and effort with JobDiva

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with JobDiva
Our organization has used JobDiva as an applicant tracking system for candidates who apply to jobs with us. It helps us to stay organized since we are constantly hiring for new positions and trying to sift through applicants. It helps to make us more efficient.
- The interface is clean and looks pretty awesome. It also is relatively elementary and new users can pick it up right away.
- It has email merge so we can use a lot of the functionality through email.
- Overall makes the recruitment process much easier.
- I wish it had some greater integrations to be able to make things more efficient.
- Search function could definitely be improved.
- Working with LinkedIn would be great.
- Has helped us hire faster and be more efficient.
- Saves our team time by keeping us organized.
- Price is not too high.
I have not used anything else like JobDiva, but it is a great tool. I have used LinkedIn but the functionality is definitely different.
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