Track job applicants with ease
Overall Satisfaction with JobScore
We use JobScore across all departments in our organization in our hiring process. We use it to evaluate candidates, score resumes, manage applicants, schedule interviews for potential candidates and give feedback following an interview with the applicant. It makes the hiring process much more streamlined and efficient in that all the applicant information is stored in one places, and everyone is able to contribute to the hiring process in a consistent manner.
- Resume grading
- Post interview feedback and notes
- Connect applicant resources (LinkedIn, resume, applicant questions)
- Send notes to other collaborators about a candidate
- Mark up a resume
- Rank candidates before an interview
- Ability to add feedback from multiple interviewers
- Ability to connect multiple resources
- A single source to view resumes
- Less time evaluating individual candidates
- Better interview process
Do you think JobScore delivers good value for the price?
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Did JobScore live up to sales and marketing promises?
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Did implementation of JobScore go as expected?
I wasn't involved with the implementation phase
Would you buy JobScore again?
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