Replacing the user manual with Mindtouch
Overall Satisfaction with MindTouch
Mindtouch is being used to provide self service support to our global customer base. The content is created and maintained in-house by my support team and allows our customers to access a wealth of technical material about our products 24/7.
- Provides an easy to use repository for complex technical information.
- Supports complex and consistent formatting and document layouts across a variety of browsers and platforms.
- Allows users to download PDF versions of the content to take away when there is no internet at the location they are planning to use it e.g. race track or proving ground.
- The search engine still needs improvement as not all searches seem to get the right article first or even second time.
- Managing multilingual versions is challenging and needs some work.
- Reduced numbers of support tickets created.
- Removed printing costs for printed user guides and manuals.
- Provided multi-language support.
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