Nintex Offers Quick Workflows but Mired in Support Issues
August 05, 2014

Nintex Offers Quick Workflows but Mired in Support Issues

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 2 out of 10
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Software Version

Nintex Workflow for Sharepoint

Overall Satisfaction with Nintex Workflow

We use Nintex to allow users to automate certain tasks on lists or list items in SharePoint. We also use it as a way to send out notifications. Users create workflows for their different business unit requirements. Many use it as a scaled down version of an ERP/Inventory tracking system.


  • Non-technical users can implement somewhat complex solutions.
  • Email notifications easy.
  • Can see workflow task history visually.


  • Error messages are completely vague, making it extremely difficult to debug.
  • Failures occur for random reasons.
  • Error notifications get sent out too frequently which confuse users.
  • Not having to custom code things.
  • Development resources not bogged down by simple automated workflows.
  • Support nightmare for failed workflows.
  • None
Couldn't find a similar product for what Nintex does.
Renewal is mainly on the fact that Nintex is so widely used and it would be impossible to migrate all of these existing workflows to another engine. Third-party lock-in within SharePoint is pretty strong, which makes it difficult to move to something else. Our Nintex database is well-over 100 GBs.

Nintex email support is very good, and I've been impressed. The Community however is non-existent and filled with unanswered questions.
It's well suited for simple, concise scenarios. When people start building large, complex workflows the rate of failures skyrocket. Every workflow I build, I build with the thought process that it might fail at any time for any reason. Someone should have to restart the workflow and not have it go through all of the previous steps. This is very unfortunate, but a product of the random failures.

Using Nintex Workflow

1000 - Workflow automation, notifications.
3 - Good debugging skills as Nintex errors are mostly vague. Very difficult to identify why errors occur.
  • Workflow automation
  • Email notifications
  • Triggers
  • People using it as mini ERP systems
  • Workflows not tied to SharePoint list items.

Evaluating Nintex Workflow and Competitors

Yes - Microsoft's default workflow engine.
  • Price
  • Product Usability
  • Prior Experience with the Product
  • Existing Relationship with the Vendor
Need for end-users to be able to create their own tasks for reporting and upkeep.
I hesitate to use third party software that I know I will be locked into forever. Third parties go out of business, get bought, stop support all the time. That's scary to place so much of your key businesses on something like that.

Nintex Workflow Implementation

Everything went according to plan and the white papers were helpful.
Change management was minimal
  • Migration to new servers
  • Migration to new environments (SP 2013)
  • Breaking Nintex WF out into different databases

Nintex Workflow Support

Really impressed by their responsiveness.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Yes - Because the Nintex Community is tiny and filled with unanswered questions.
Yes - Yes. They provided a workaround.
Had an issue that required multiple approvers and they helped me with a solution that used a concurrent operation.

Using Nintex Workflow

It's good for non-programmers, but also bad because they do really convoluted things to get certain tasks completed which are prone to failure and annoying to support.
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Do not like to use
Feel nervous using
  • Drag and drop.
  • Approvals.
  • Email notifications.
  • Debugging errors.
  • Updating items in a list
  • Knowing what input to expect


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