Optimize Your Site - It's Fun!
July 11, 2014

Optimize Your Site - It's Fun!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Optimizely

We used it in Product Management, User Experience, and Marketing to test everything from colors to messaging and other website creative. It helped us increase revenue by optimizing the conversion rate on our website.


  • Easy to set tests up
  • Inexpensive for what you get
  • Fun to experiment with
  • With enough traffic, you don't have to wait long to see results!


  • Sometimes pages don't get enough traffic to make for a worthwhile test (not Optimizely's fault)
  • When I used it, they didn't have great options for mobile testing
  • Sometimes test pages can take awhile to load, due to extra JavaScript on the site
  • We saw downloads of a free product we offered grow by 200% just by changing the language on a button.
  • Our company ran more efficiently, as we were able to agree on pages faster knowing that we could test and optimize elements of the page at a later date.
  • It was fun! The whole company got involved in suggesting tests to run and guessing at results.
We actually never looked into any alternatives. Optimizely was suggested, and it was so easy to use and cheap that we never considered moving to a different platform.
It was easy to use, fun, and we saw real results that positively impacted our business! Highly recommend.
A/B testing in general is well-suited to websites that get a fair amount of traffic. It's also better for making small tweaks, versus testing two totally different pages. Therefore, it's best to use Optimizely on a page that you're already relatively satisfied with.


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