How I Use PI
June 05, 2018

How I Use PI

Carrie Krott, SHRM-CP | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with PI Behavioral Assessment

The PI is used in the interview process at Benco - this is where our candidates/associates first see the assessment. It is then discussed in great detail in our New Hire Orientation program, where we give our new associates a good understanding of the assessment, why we use it and why it is important to our organization. The PI is something that we have ingrained in our culture.


  • I really love the PI placards - we give them to new associates during their new hire orientation. Our associates display them on their desks/in their cubicles.


  • I do not have anything to add here
  • At my company, the PI has helped teams work together more effectively and has helped managers to really understand with their new associates.
I think the PI is well-suited for managers to assess their new associates - this can help a manager work best with their new associate and provide them with the work environment to be happy, comfortable and excel.

Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment Feature Ratings

Data analysis
Data integration
Predictive analytics
Pre-built content
Data management


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