Pure storage, pound for pound the best industry features and ROI
February 15, 2019

Pure storage, pound for pound the best industry features and ROI

Mike Davis | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Pure Storage FlashArray

Pure support is one of, if not the best, vendor support organizations consistently hitting the mark. They are well trained, polite, and courteous.
My organization uses Pure storage M70 for Epic Clarity Reporting, Caboodle. My organization also uses Pure M20s at satellite locations, replicating to an M70. Finally, we utilize an M70 and 2x X70 for local storage hosting AIX, Windows, and Linux servers, Phy and Virt sever block storage as well as a replication target for Epic at our DR site.


  • Straightforward to manage, Pure Storage stays out of your way so that you can quickly provision storage, increase lun capacities, etc.
  • Snapshot-based replication works very well and is immensely less complex than other technologies such as srdf.
  • Rock solid, stable performance.


  • Upgrades to Pure are good but could be better. There is room for improvement in the upgrade process.
  • Rolling drive power cycles are necessary on some Pure versions.
  • The abundance of orange is quite gaudy.
  • It is hard to judge the overall ROI, but it has been positive.
My organization leverages both Pure and not-Pure platforms. Larger enterprise arrays such as vmax use all flash. The pure x70s have easily held their performance and reliability against the Xtremios and VMAXes.
  • Utilizing Purity snapshot and replication with scripts and replicate HPUX server data.
  • Utilizing snapshots for SQL cluster hw migrations.
Excellent for a small branch office storage refresh. Great management via webUI AND cli. Love the process of snapshot replication, local snapshot protection, and the smooth mechanics to implement this.


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