Redwood BPA at BRG Sports
Overall Satisfaction with Redwood Business Process Automation - Workload Edition
We use Redwood to run and monitor our batch processing in SAP as well as some external processes. It's not only helped us automate and streamline all of that, but it also helped reduce overall runtime for several important long-running processes.
- It allows us to run tasks in parallel, unlike the standard scheduler in SAP.
- We are able to trigger processes based on external events, like the arrival of a file
- It can let us know when processes have failed so that we don't need to actively monitor the batch cycle.
- It can also notify when a process has been completed successfully...users can be immediately made aware when one of their important tasks has finished.
- You can access the system securely from any device that has a browser, so you don't need to be in the office in order to check things.
- I don't have an answer here. The way it is, the system is easy to use and does exactly what we need.
- Help us speed up long-running tasks
- Remove the need to actively monitor batch jobs
- Triggering jobs based on file arrivals
- We reduced our MRP cycle from around 12 hours down to approximately 3
- We were able to let end-users trigger specific month-end jobs without also having the ability to submit anything else.
- we are able to schedule jobs in much more flexible ways than SAP offers
- We've had no negative impact by using Redwood
Unsure. BRG was already using Redwood before I joined the team.
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Using Redwood Business Process Automation - Workload Edition
2 - My manager and I are the main "users" of Redwood. We configure all tasks in Redwood on behalf of our end-users.
2 - My manager and I are the ones who support the product. The product is VERY easy to use, so practically anyone could use it, but our internal policies limit who is allowed to create and schedule batch processes.
- Process runtime improvement
- better control over scheduling and configuring batch jobs
- Dependable operation
- triggering batch based on the arrival of a file
- being able to trigger a secondary process from within a running job rather then having to wait until after that running job finishes.
- scheduling jobs based on "odd" requirements...for example, every 3 hours during close week
- Unsure, nothing comes to mind
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