Renaissance Accelerated Reader 360 Review
Overall Satisfaction with Renaissance Accelerated Reader 360
I am using Renaissance Accelerated Reader in my first and second grade classroom. AR 360 is also being used by all other classrooms--4K-5th grade--in our building. Renaissance Accelerated Reader keeps my students motivated and eager to read and improve their reading skills and strategies. Renaissance AR is the perfect fit when using the Reading Workshop Daily 5 model. Children in my classroom begin every day with reading to themselves, taking comprehension and vocabulary quizzes, and working toward their goal. I have found my students take ownership of their reading and learning and have become much more independent. They challenge themselves and each other to continually grow and improve.
- Renaissance Accelerated Reader has great customer service support. They are clear, concise, and respond quickly. Their live chat support service is great.
- Renaissance Accelerated Reader is constantly adding new quizzes to their data base. They keep current with the most popular books that children currently read. They also have quizzes for the timeless classics.
- Renaissance Accelerated Reader has reports that provide data ranging from the number of words students have read to a students growth trajectory. This is helpful when planning lessons to work with children in small groups or independently.
- Renaissance allows me the capability to see real time quizzing data. This allows for me to monitor students' progress while also working with other children. I am able to my time efficiently and effectively.
- It was helpful--and quicker--when my students were able to log in to Accelerated Reader through the iPad app. Unfortunately, the app is not going to be supported. My students will still be able to use the iPad for quizzing and STAR assessments. It is just a couple of extra steps.
- The goal of AR is for kids to enjoy books, spread their wings, and experience a variety of literature & genres. Children need copious amounts of reading to become good readers. Incorporating Renaissance Accelerated Reader 360 into our day sets a purpose for reading and holds children accountable.
- Renaissance Accelerated Reader 360 is research based. The single biggest predictor of academic success is time spent reading. This program allows for that.
- Renaissance Accelerated Reader 360 allows for scaffolding of reading material to get the kids into more challenging material. This program allows children to be successful and build on their strengths.
- Renaissance Accelerated Reader 360 empowers students to take ownership in the learning process. It gives them a voice.
- Renaissance Accelerated Reader 360 is a program that lets students practice and apply skills and strategies learned during mini lessons and strategy-group instruction.
Renaissance Accelerated Reader Feature Ratings
Using Renaissance Accelerated Reader 360
100 - Students & staff members
5 - Tech department personnel
- Reading
- Quizzing
- Feedback
- Build vocabulary
- Individualize learning
- Differentiate
- Accountability
Evaluating Renaissance Accelerated Reader 360 and Competitors
Not Sure - n/a
- Product Features
- Product Usability
- Prior Experience with the Product
- Existing Relationship with the Vendor
The administration makes these decisions.
Renaissance Accelerated Reader 360 Implementation
- Implemented in-house
- Learning by doing
Renaissance Accelerated Reader 360 Support
Pros | Cons |
Good followup Problems get solved No escalation required Support understands my problem Quick Initial Response | Slow Resolution Less knowledgeable Difficult to get immediate help |
Not Sure - n/a
Yes - The concern had to do with the iPad app. Unfortunately the app is not being supported anymore.
Initially, when AR was first implemented, I had a difficult time locating specific reports. The chat feature was a life saver. The best customer service ever!
Using Renaissance Accelerated Reader 360
Pros | Cons |
Like to use Relatively simple Easy to use Technical support not required Well integrated Consistent Quick to learn Convenient Feel confident using Familiar | None |
- Logging in
- Locating material
- Haven’t found it to be cumbersome.
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