SciQuest user for 3 Yrs
Updated January 05, 2016
SciQuest user for 3 Yrs

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Software Version
Overall Satisfaction with SciQuest
Sciquest is being used across the organization as an e-procurement system. The system helps faculty and staff get state contracted prices for goods purchased for research and administrative purposes.
- Sciquest integrates well with vendors and POs get dispatched to vendor quickly which helps in faster delivery of goods.
- cXML interfaces with Vendors for Invoices
- Enforces state contracts
- Less manual intervention
- Sciquest's reporting tool needs some improvement
- Sometimes Vendors with multiple locations causes orders and payments going to wrong locations
- There can be some improvement on item searches.
- Great for enforcing state contract compliance. Reduces the needs for bids and RFPs
- Reduces time between order and delivery
- Easy user interface
Better enforcement of state contracts. Sciquest also has good form builder functionality
Using SciQuest
9000 - We use sciquest for e-procurement and travel
4 - Mostly functional support to the application users are done house. Technical issues are reported to Sciquest. Integrations issues are resolved working with Sciquest or internal development team for PeopleSoft
- We punch out to vendor site for state contracted item. Makes it easier for users as most of the information is brought over from the vendor site to Sciquest
- It is easy to create non-catalog items and dispatch the PO to vendors
- We use Sciquest forms a lot for other process that require approvals
- We use it for employee Travel Authorizations.
- We use it for other reimbursements to Vendors,students and employees
- Very easy to activate State contracts into our system because we are under the same umbrella organization
- We are looking at Sciquest's TSM module
Evaluating SciQuest and Competitors
- Product Features
- Product Usability
Ease of use and also the fact that the State of GA uses the same system and we could easily leverage the State contracts without duplicate entry.
We are pretty satisfied with the product for now but at the same time if the financials system that we are using had the e-procurement feature just like Sciquest we would have preferred to use that instead of 2 systems
SciQuest Implementation
- Vendor implemented
Change management was a major issue with the implementation - Since we decided to let all the employees on campus to use the system we had to go through several iterations of training. Even though we are live for more than 3 years now, we still conduct trainings for our new users.
- Too aggressive schedule
- Internal project team resources also had to handle their day job as well
- Working with Sciquest technical resources was a challenge
SciQuest Support
Pros | Cons |
Quick Resolution Good followup Knowledgeable team Problems get solved Kept well informed Support understands my problem Quick Initial Response | None |
No - The maintenance if already expensive
Yes - It depends on whether it s a quick fix or not. If it is not then it will be part of a feature enhancement
Usually it is a reasonable support.
Using SciQuest
Pros | Cons |
Like to use Relatively simple Easy to use Technical support not required Well integrated Consistent Quick to learn Convenient Feel confident using Familiar | None |
- user interface
- workflow approval
- history/ change tracker for each document
- Will have to get sciquest to complex workflow changes or setup. It is not available institutions to modify or change
- Changes to integrations are difficult
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