Survey Monkey Easy-Peasey
Overall Satisfaction with SurveyMonkey
Survey Monkey is used by several colleagues in various departments at Curtis. The platform is easy to use, most employees can pick up the nuances of the program, and it helps me to have one program people use so that I can provide targeted training to help them get their surveys out quickly. Often stakeholders want the survey out within a day or two so it's helpful to be able to show examples of past surveys. Additionally, the brand name of SurveyMonkey is strong so people are quick to accept it as an acceptable platform to use.
- Offer varying ways to get answers to questions: yes or no; multiple choice, select one, select all that apply; open ended questions.
- Easy to understand how e-mails are sent to your list of potential survey takers and that you can send a 2nd or 3rd e-mail and it will extract those who already took the survey so they don't get an ask again.
- Adaptable color palette so you can make it match your color scheme.
- Pop-ups to alert people of TIPS as they go along. Might help those who are doing it for the first time or someone who hasn't used the platform in awhile.
- Quick compiling of data to get us the answers we need pronto
- Helps employees see the importance of getting feedback from users
- To be able to report to major stakeholders data, quotes, or stories that come out of the survey data
Using SurveyMonkey
3 - donor relationship managers, database, program administrators
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