Ultimate HRIS Software
January 14, 2014

Ultimate HRIS Software

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • Citrix Backoffice
  • Cognos Business Intelligence
  • Ultirpo Recruitment Module

Overall Satisfaction

We use Ultimate as the main program to house our employee records. We only use it HR do not allow users to take part in the Self-Service module. Where Ultimate really excels is their partnership with Cognos Business Intelligence. Their downfall- their customer service case management. It takes weeks to months to get most any issue with slight complexity resolved.


  • Cognos Business Intelligence- The types of reports and number of reports you can create are endless.
  • Audit Trail- Not only are you able to see every small change that has every been made, you can see who made, at what time, and then correct it.
  • Customization- Ultimate works hard with the users to create a solution to fit the company's needs
  • Training & Support- The library of user information and training documents is a great asset.


  • Customer Service- It shouldn't take more than a few days to resolve an issue, and often it takes a month or more.
  • Software Updates- Once they update their web app, you have to make a change and re-save every single report in Business Intelligence.
  • Provides a detailed record of each employee history- this prevents us from having to dig through employee files.
  • The information produced by the reports allows for simplified reporting and forecasting for company headcounts.
Ultipro is an excellent option. The modules you can integrate the more streamlined your processes will be. Even though there is a cost associated with each module, there is definitely a large ROI on not entering the same information into parallel systems.
Besides their ability to quickly resolve technical cases, I have no complaints. They really are a top-notch choice when it comes to HRIS.
During the selection process it is important to just be as detailed as possible with customization. Make sure you choose a program that can work with and speak to other software that your company already employees.


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