Workfront Improves Our Workflows
February 07, 2017

Workfront Improves Our Workflows

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Workfront

Workfront is currently being used by a few specific departments, with the intent of rolling it out across our organization on a larger scale over the next year or so. We currently use a homegrown software solution for managing delivery of our products that was increasingly outdated and not scalable, so Workfront became our solution for better task management, reporting, and portfolio management.


  • Workfront's capability to manage all types of projects in one centralized location benefits our reporting, and allows us to open up communication lines between team members.
  • Workfront's Portfolio Management aspects allow for our client teams to easily see all of the projects going on, across a number of deliverables, all automatically aggregated.
  • Workfront's customization capabilities - using Custom Forms - allows us to adapt the tool to whatever is needed to deliver our needed reporting; greatly preferred over trying to fit our processes to different functions and terminology.


  • The biggest gripe our users have had so far is the lack of an "undo" button. Being in a web environment, we can't easily hit Ctrl+Z to bring back the task we deleted or other similar measures.
  • We would benefit from the ability to assign a specific, role-based team to a client, and have those roles automatically generate into a Project plan once it has been created. This is different than creating a Team.
  • It would be helpful if admins could set system-wide sharing permissions, be it for templates, projects, etc. We have made some changes as we've gone along, and it requires modifying all of our templates, all of the projects already open, etc., which has added overhead.
  • We are not far enough along in our implementation and use of Workfront to be able to successfully assess this aspect; however, my early thoughts are that this will provide a positive impact based upon less manual work, less overhead, greater organization, and better reporting and portfolio management capabilities.
We selected Workfront, in part, because of its focus on marketing project delivery and its ability to integrate with Proof HQ (which we also use). The addition of Proof HQ allows us to completely migrate away from our old pen-and-paper process and into the digital world.
  • Organizational project management.
  • Marketing delivery.
  • Capacity management.
  • Need for scalability.

Adobe Workfront Feature Ratings

Task Management
Resource Management
Gantt Charts
Workflow Automation
Team Collaboration
Support for Agile Methodology
Not Rated
Support for Waterfall Methodology
Document Management
Email integration
Mobile Access
Timesheet Tracking
Change request and Case Management
Budget and Expense Management
Not Rated
Not Rated
Project & financial reporting
Not Rated
Integration with accounting software
Not Rated


  • Sherry Arnold | TrustRadius Reviewer
    Hello, I'm the Customer Advocacy Manager at Workfront. Thanks for the thoughtful and thorough review. I'm glad you're having a great experience so far! I appreciate why you may want to be anonymous on this site, but I'd love to chat with you sometime. Please feel free to reach me directly:

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