Zendesk Guide is Your New Guide
May 18, 2021

Zendesk Guide is Your New Guide

Sereta Robinson | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Zendesk Guide

Zendesk Guide is utilized to interact with customer queries and concern. The application greatly helps us to monitor and log each ticket that is handled. It provides a detailed log of the interaction, as well as the agent assigned to that ticket.
Zendesk [Guide] also allows for easy interaction between the Customer Care Department. As tickets that cannot be easily resolved can be escalated to relevant support teams such as Technical Support. I would recommend this software for any small or large scale telecommunications company.


  • Logs all ticket details
  • Monitors ever customer interaction
  • Easy to learn and maneuver


  • I would say there are times when the Zendesk application does not sync well with other software
  • Ticket Monitoring
  • Customer Query history
  • Easy inter-company communication
  • It has been really helpful in maintaining customer satisfaction
  • It helps in customer purchase, as any issues noticed are easily shared and resolved
It is an attribute of Zendesk that allows for easy over the phone communication between agents and customers. It is more personal and allows for better productivity. Phone support from anywhere with reliable internet connection which is essential to call center communication whether in the office or in the home of the agent.

Do you think Zendesk Guide delivers good value for the price?

Not sure

Are you happy with Zendesk Guide's feature set?


Did Zendesk Guide live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of Zendesk Guide go as expected?


Would you buy Zendesk Guide again?


[Zendesk Guide] is well suited for any telecommunications company, especially in a work from home scenario. Zendesk Guide is basically an incentive for employees to not slack off and continue to provide excellent skills and services they were trained to do.
The application is not necessarily appropriate for business's that don't utilize over the phone or web chat interactions.


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