Automation Anywhere, headquartered in San Jose, California, offers their robotic process automation (RPA) software.
per month
airSlate SignNow
Score 8.5 out of 10
signNow is an eSignature solution with mobile apps for iOS and Android. signNow can be integrated into popular platforms and offers SaaS, public cloud, and private cloud deployment options with the same underlying API. This enables customers to leverage the power and usability of the signNow eSignature platform, while meeting their particular security and compliance requirements.
one-time fee per signature invite
Automation Anywhere
airSlate SignNow
Editions & Modules
Cloud-Only Starter Pack
per month
Advanced Pack (Cloud or On-Premises)
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Site License
one-time fee per signature invite
per month
Business Premium
per month
per month
Pricing Offerings
Automation Anywhere
airSlate SignNow
Free Trial
Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup Fee
No setup fee
-$8 per user/month
Additional Details
All subscriptions include unlimited number of users. Up to a 60% discount available for annual pricing.
Automation Anywhere is well suited for automating repetitive or complex tasks that can be performed on a timeline such as data processing, data extraction, and file transfers. Automation Anywhere also has capabilities for integration with legacy applications and APIs to automate more complex data flows. Automation Anywhere is also ideal for automating document processing, form filling and other web activities since it has both image recognition and image-based automation capabilities.
On the other hand, Automation Anywhere is less appropriate for tasks requiring high levels of system intelligence such as machine learning or natural language processing as these require different types of technology. Additionally, if a task requires manual elements such as validations or reviews then Automation Anywhere may not be the most suitable solution either. It can be possible to set up automated validations but that might not always result in an ideal solution due to its limitations.
SignNow is particularly useful for simple documents, forms and contracts where there the fields are pretty standards- names, signature block, title. It would be helpful to have features that allow substitution of certain fill in the blanks such that allow you to use the same template but first have a dialog to integrate language for a person, corporation, partnership or LLP. I'm a lawyer and having the ability to assemble variation of this nature into one template would be helpful. Also (and it may do this) the ability to change the actual form/document within the a template would be useful.
Now I easily generate the invoices and quotation generation is an easy task now. Previously it was very time consuming as we have to drag the data from the excel sheets.
I will praise its integration with other software that has facilitated us to make amendments in the data across those platforms.
Automation Anywhere doesn't come with easy installation, We need to install Java, IDEs and Databases in an orderly fashion which we are not able to do.
Automation Anywhere has no workflow design which is not making us to understand the process.
Automation Anywhere has no fit to size object cloning.
When using shared templates, the option to rename the document is at the bottom of the signatures page. I would like that to be visible sooner as some of my team misses it and sends documents to clients with the templated name instead of the correct name because they forgot to scroll down far enough to see it.
CC'ed contacts used to show suggestions as you typed the email if you've sent that person a document before, but that functionality no longer shows on our account. I'd like to see that brought back.
It would be nice if we could add folders to our documents page so that we could sort sent and signed documents into individual client folders. The search feature works fine, but folders would help clean up the view for my team.
The features are too limited. The biggest issue though is the flexibility for editing existing forms without having to create a whole new form. The other issues are its payment partner options, lack of automation, and logic flow. We plan to quit this software and use other software in its place.
On more complex use cases, Automation Anywhere requires technical background like knowledge on network protocols and database language on task creation, and even people with technical background might have some trouble in the beginning because of the product particularities on how variable manipulation works, or how to get the object cloning (a more resilient screen manipulation command) to work as intended. The scheduling of tasks on the Control Room and the autologin feature isn't intuitive as they should, so much of this works requires documentation analysis to get it done on the first time.
In terms of core functionality - adding options for signatures, text, dates, check boxes, etc., as well as customising the body of the request, the title of the request, follow-ups / reminders for signature, etc., SignNow is great. It's really easy to navigate and use in this regard. SignNow loses points when it comes to the end-user who needs to sign. There's an option for them to either use the app (which is most prominent in the page that shows when they open the request) or to sign using their browser (which is much smaller). I had my assistant create this step by step guide for our clients, so they can complete the request the way we need them to: As far as I'm aware, you can't make it mandatory for them to draw their signature, and there's no option to remove the prompt for them to download the app when signing on their mobile device. I really wish these were options, but they don't take away from the fact it does what it is intended to do, and it does it well.
SignNow is always available when I need it. It seems that most updates occur outside of business hours so I have full functionality when I need it most between the hours of 8am-6pm EST. There has only been I time when I experience application errors when I need to use the system but it did not last long and the issue was resolved within a few hours.
Automation Anywhere is a great tool for a low cost, fairly easily scalable, and quickly learned. The company is growing by leaps and bounds and continually pushing the automation boundaries. The problem with fast expansion is that sometimes you can grow more quickly than you can appropriately support your products. While Automation Anywhere has an excellent support structure in place, every company and situation is different, and they often struggle with why problems arise in the system and how to fix them.
I only used SignNow support when setting up. I uploaded a bunch of documents in the wrong place and needed assistance in moving them. Unfortunately they were not able to move the documents and I needed to upload into a different place. This is where I feel the system itself could benefit from some flexibility for their customers.
It was nice to be shown the basics of the system and be able to see or understand the specific functions our company would need to use, such as the template creation, document grouping and document group templates. Being taught on how to use these functions, made learning them much easier.
Make sure you know exactly what you need before implementation and be sure to ask how to use the most important functions of the system that you will be using.
Automation anywhere scores well with respect to other solutions when we look at bot implementation, bot management, and basic automation. From a security perspective as well, AA fares well as compared to other solutions. UIpath is better suited when we operate using VPN systems and integrating with homegrown solutions.
I chose airSlate SignNow over DocuSign primarily due to the superior ease of use and a more intuitive user interface (UI). airSlate SignNow's UI stood out with its simplicity and well-thought-out design, making the entire process of signing and managing documents much more straightforward.The drag-and-drop functionality and the ability to customize signature fields in airSlate SignNow were additional factors that tipped the scale in its favor. These features not only streamlined the signing process but also allowed for a more personalized and efficient document management experience.
Highly reliable once you start experiencing the results. It helps you to have a clear cut results with better productivity numbers and financial savings