Cornerstone’s PiiQ is an SMB offering formerly known as Sonar6. PiiQ is aimed at small-to-medium sized businesses and includes core learning management and performance management systems, including content creation, mobile accessibility, and in-product reporting.
per user per month
Tovuti LMS
Score 9.9 out of 10
Mid-Size Companies (51-1,000 employees)
Designed as a people-centric LMS, Tovuti aims to make learning fun and management simple to boost productivity for users and admins alike. Users can generate courses with AI and increase learner engagement with interactive videos, memory games, and 40+ other gamification options, as well as create bespoke experiences with customizable learning paths. Tovuti is designed to integrate into currently in place ecosystems, and supports data-driven decisions with its internal reporting feature.…
The feature set for the price was the best. Some of these other products offer too many options for what our company was looking for, actually making the platform more confusing for both learner and admin, whereas Tovuti was perfect for both.
We vetted close to 10 different LMS. We chose Tovuti almost entirely based on the user friendly layout and the feature capabilities. Only a few other platforms even came close to the amount of capabilities as Tovuti.
The amount of support available alone makes this system as great as it is! This is the 4th LMS I've worked with and the 3rd I've personally had a hand in setting up. Tovuti LMS is by far the most user-friendly on both the admin and end-user sides that I've experienced. This system works great for our users many of whom are 65+ in age, so the user-friendly part is essential. I know I've already said it, but the amount of support provided by the Tovuti Team is top-notch. If someone that I'm dealing with doesn't have an immediate answer to my query someone else always gets back to me in a timely manner. I no longer have to spend additional time searching for answers.
Enables employees to draft work goals and collaborate with their supervisors on a final version - improves mutual understanding right up front.
Combines performance goal ratings with competency ratings and provides a blended score. Simplifies the goal weighting so you don't have to do any calculations.
9-box matrix provides useful definitions and descriptions so managers can prepare development notes or plans for individual employees.
Customization - we support internal and external users, the ability to have unique registrations fields for the different audiences is a game changer, the ability to build custom reports is helpful as well.
Interactive Content Tools - Love the ability to create interaction with users so it is not just text or videos they are looking at.
Ease of Use on End User Side - It's not tricky, all levels of tech savvy users can find success as learners!
Would be good to have have a virtual "top level" (eg board) user built in to allow senior execs without a direct manager to be able to be set up with KPIs instead of having to create a dummy user
Reports have difficulty downloading if pop ups disabled or in some browser environments
When competencies are updated while a cycle is open, any changes don't effect that open cycle but only future ones. Would be nice to be able to have the option to apply changes to existing "open" cycles
iFraming has always been an interesting feature to try out, but the design can be tricky. Allowing for my useable iFraming activities is always on my list.
Offering reporting/results on interactive videos is something I've been missing from the start. We use interactive videos to provide checkpoints of understanding, but there's no result section on the back end to review students' responses - only a numerical score is provided.
Toggling between personal dashboards and team lead dashboards is a great capability, but this opens a new tab. I'd rather everything stay within one tab and navigate through that!
It's not that CSB isn't a decent performance management system, but we have decided to go with just one vendor (Workday) for an HRIS/performance management/payroll system so we can directly relate pay to performance. We are more interested in having just one system that "talks" to the other pieces instead of having to work with several vendors. It reduces the hassle of having to communicate with different support teams, having different contracts, and so on.
We have established the training department to extend our training capabilities into one central area. I have mentioned training production, internal and external sales staff. But the training department will surely delve into the HR area of new hire orientation, annual recertification processes, etc. We truly have just scratched the surface of this iceberg. Now that we have made the investment, we will surely continue with this product. I cannot see us moving to another product at all. We will definitely renew our subscription with Tovuti
There are specific things within the goals and competencies that are user-friendly. For example, the rating slider isn't great in my opinion. You can slide in between ratings which can create some odd scoring (if you use scoring). It seems a better solution would be a drop down where you select your rating. There are also some glitches in the system and have been told Cornerstone is aware of them but are focused on delivering new features. There are workarounds, but that doesn't seem to be a great answer.
As far as building the program, once you have learned the basics it is very easy to upload and create content. They also provide a ton of resources and have an extremely responsive help team, so when and If I am stuck, Tovuti is quick to help me find the solution. The test users I have given access to have all mentioned the ease of navigation and use of the program overall.
The saving process slows it down. It doesn’t auto save. If you leave a page, it will sometimes warn you, but not always. When you hit the save button, a window pops up that says creating/saving packets. It feels very archaic.
I have worked with so many software packages that are slow to load, take for ever for screen changes, etc. I do not have that issue here with Tovuti at all. I have yet to really do any reporting on it as we are fairly new with the package, but if it operates like the rest of the system, then I am going to assume that reporting will be no more difficult than the rest of the platform
My assistant could better address this issue. My perception is that there is not immediate assistance, and that there can be a wait for help. That is not a negative, just a perception. I have not used support in two years.
The pre-sales team was very helpful and responsive and then stopped responding to my mail as soon as I had signed the contract, not even a reply from the last couple of emails sent. The post-sale teams are engaged and quick to respond and really good. Unfortunately, I need to use them more than I should, and sometimes the reply is "we don't support that feature", but the support from the support team is excellent.
Hayden was awesome. He knows his product inside and out and was able to answer all my questions. I had a lot of questions. I was actually starting to build courses while I was going through the training so that when the next session on the schedule came up, I had even more questions about what I had done vs the way I maybe should have. In the end, I was doing my own hands-on while going through the training. Tovuti is that easy to use.
I think we could have done a better job of rolling out the tool to our managers. We were under a tight timeline. In the training, we showed them everything and said go do it by this date. Looking back, I would have done it in pieces: for example, 2 weeks to write goals, 2 weeks to get sign-off from direct reports. I just let them go at it. Since then we’ve moved to agile development environment and are applying the technique to everything. In future would only do through change sprint. It is a big change I didn’t take it seriously enough.
I had a team of 3 project managing. You need a champion from every department to make sure you’re getting it right and to make sure what’s happening is communicated. It’s not something you can do without input from department heads
The implementation had extremely wonderful support from Tovuti in the form of a series of one-on-one meetings to hear the clients needs and intended usage and then to set up the platform to meet those needs while demonstrating how to use it. has been great to work with but it is a very clear and simple, user-friendly system that anyone can pick up with very little training as it is self-explanatory. It also has a great mobile interface and lots of different features that are easy to add for the admin but really impactful for the user.
Tovuti LMS is super easy to use compared to Relias. Relias is very clunky and we always would have learners have issues with the platform. Tovuti's buildout process compared to Relias is very clean and easy to use. The analytics and reporting are also amazing, plus the cost is so much more affordable for what you're getting. The only caveat to this is that Relias has content included and the content is well done.
Scalability is great. We bought their first 'size' package and that covers 300 trainees. Transitioning to the next level is more a matter of accounting and payment. My take on it is that its just a matter of paying the higher level of subscription and its done
It's tool and it's only as good as the person wielding it. The investment in PiiQ was accompanied by a quarterly cadence and manager feedback training. We feel like our employees are given regular feedback and bonuses are tied to objective accomplishment.