Juniper SecIntel Threat Intelligence is a security solution designed to provide continuously updated and curated security intelligence, according to the vendor. It aims to enable organizations to maintain a threat-aware network. This product is targeted at small, medium, and large enterprises, offering benefits to IT security professionals, network administrators, security operations centers (SOCs), as well as industries such as financial services and healthcare.
Key Features
Threat Intelligence: According to the vendor, the product provides continuously updated and curated security intelligence, curated and validated by Juniper Threat Labs. It also supports industry-specific threat mitigation and prevention through custom third-party sources.
Detection and Enforcement: The product aims to enable the identification, passive monitoring, and blocking of known threats at the firewall, WAN edge, and across wired and wireless networks.
Threat Logging: The product allows for the delivery of threat log data to Juniper Secure Analytics, and it is compatible with third-party SIEM and log management solutions.
99.9% Security Effectiveness: According to Juniper, the company received an "AAA" rating in CyberRatings' 2023 Enterprise Network Firewall Report. They claim a 99.9% exploit block rate with zero false positives.
Curated Threat Feeds: The product utilizes curated threat feeds on malicious IPs, URLs, certificate hashes, and domain uses to enhance security by blocking known threats based on these feeds.
Infected Host and Custom Threat Feeds: The product provides custom threat feeds of all known infected hosts on the network, and it allows for the integration of data from third-party sources for industry-specific threat mitigation and prevention.
Actionable Security Data: The product delivers actionable security data to Juniper SRX Series firewalls, MX Series routers, wireless access points, as well as EX Series and QFX Series switches, empowering users to make informed decisions and take proactive measures.
Comprehensive Network Coverage: The product aims to provide comprehensive protection across the entire network infrastructure, including firewalls, WAN edge devices, wired networks, and wireless networks.
Continuous Updates: According to the vendor, the product provides continuous updates to ensure that the network is equipped to combat emerging threats effectively.
Industry-Specific Threat Mitigation: The product allows for the customization of threat mitigation strategies to specific industries, leveraging custom third-party sources to address unique security challenges faced by industries such as financial services and healthcare.