February 07, 2014


Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 3 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction

Basecamp is being used as a project management/collaboration tool across the organization. It's supposed to be uniting copy, creative, and us as the digital marketing team in making timelines and creating assets.

It is currently being used by only our department.

Basecamp eliminates combing through 100's of past emails to find versions or conversations with coworkers. It's a place where an entire project can live and exist. It creates transparency in the creative process.


  • Consolidates project documents
  • Increases transparency
  • Eliminates the need for 1 off emails


  • It can be insanely disorganized depending on the user
  • Without the proper training it ends up being more of a hassle than it's worth
  • It can be time consuming to manage all projects inside BC
  • Increased transparency
  • Faster collaboration
  • Organization
We use a product called SmartSheet here for some collaboration. It's really easy to use, in an Excel document, deadlines etc... are all visible.

That's one of the big problems with Basecamp; the deliverables and deadlines are not always completely visible, it takes some digging. if you do end up going with a to-do list, it's incredibly time consuming.
I do not control the renewal process but I would imagine our team will keep using it. Frankly it's the most intuitive. With more training in the department it could be a really handy tool and the organizational problems experienced would be gone. The confusion isn't often times caused by the Basecamp application itself, but rather the users using it. However this does factor into it's use, and as I mentioned it will require some training and process creation.
I think it's appropriate for a group of people who have a technical background. It's incredibly easy to use, and with little explanation those people can be up and running.

Unfortunately for people who are not technically inclined and don't understand organization it ends up being a complete disaster. Finding files, or comments becomes a nightmare. So training is required.


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