Basecamp will keep your team organized and on track!
Overall Satisfaction with Basecamp
We've been using Basecamp for about 4-5 years now as a project management tool. The entire organization uses it to manage all of the various projects we have going at any given time. It's honestly made a huge difference in our ability to keep up with timelines, deadlines, notes, and documentation for each and every project. I 100% believe it has made our company more effective.
- Allows for the creation of groups of To Do's under one project.
- The Activity Feed allows for a great overview of what's happening to be able to quickly see where things are
- Anyone can create a to do and assign it to anyone, so people are empowered to take ownership over projects.
- Is pretty easy and straightforward to get started and creating To Do's and Projects
- No dependencies! I wish so much that dependencies were an option. So often we have to remember to manually assign the next To Do to someone after something has been completed and it's easy to forget this. So that this human error can be avoided, dependencies would help with this greatly.
- It took a long time for us to figure out how best to fit Basecamp into our work flow, who was responsible for what and how our processes would best work. It's great now but it probably took us a solid year before we got to the point where we had smoothed out the rough edges and felt like our processes worked perfectly within Basecamp.
- You sometimes have to be careful about where you are placing information: in the comment v. the note v. commenting on the list v. commenting on the To Do. Depending on who has been checked to received a notification, not everyone will receive the information. This isn't necessarily an issue; it just means you have to be very careful about where you are placing information and double-checking that the people you want to be notified will receive it.
- We have far less meetings! Which is great. I think this has made us far more efficient, wasting time with meetings and getting more done.
- We are able to keep track of notes and progress on a project much more easily. I feel like things stay on track much better than before we had Basecamp.
- I think timelines and deadlines are kept very clear and everyone has clear expectations. This means people know exactly what they need to work on at any given time (and know what they will be working on next too). As bad as it sounds to say, I think before we had Basecamp, deadlines and timelines weren't very clear sometimes.
We haven't used another similar product. We have only used Basecamp.
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