Canvas LMS Review
September 15, 2015

Canvas LMS Review

Paul Zurek | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

Online LMS

Overall Satisfaction with Canvas

I currently use Canvas for all of my high school classes. Canvas serves as a one stop shop for everything related to my course. All students take tests, turn in assignments, get feedback, work on group projects, access course resources, and participate in live online conference sessions. It also serves as a classroom webpage where I can make announcements and keep an updated home page.


  • Classroom Management
  • Grading assignments and providing feedback
  • Quiz creation


  • Differentiation of assignments between students in the same section class.
  • The ability to organize questions across multiple question banks.
  • The peer review process is very clunky and hard for the students to use.
  • Feedback to students is quicker and more efficient.
  • All assignments turned in have a time stamp. Very easy to manage late assignments.
  • Students know where and how to get any resource they might need. They can easily take ownership in the learning process.
Canvas is user friendly for both the teacher and student. It is a great resource that makes it easy to organize everything related to my classes. Students have told me they prefer Canvas over others. Canvas works well over multiple platforms (computer and mobile). I find that the Speedgrader feature of Canvas really sets it apart from others.
Well suited
  • Looking for organization of all classroom materials and assignments
  • Students have access to computers in class
  • Instructor has a good understanding of technology and can learn quick
  • Want to invest time into developing strong question banks for assessments and quizzes
Less Appropriate
  • Students don't have access to computers in class
  • Instructor limited on technology skills
  • Classes based around paper and pencil and find it hard to use technology to complete assignments/homework


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