Discover now ZoomInfo good value
Overall Satisfaction with DiscoverOrg
DiscoverOrg has been used to prospect for sales contacts. The entire sales team of 150 US-based sellers uses it. The data it provides is name, contact information including email, phone number and in many cases direct phone information. The system integrates easily into Hubspot and SFDC with the ability to export contacts and leads directly into these CRM systems.
- Xfer of leads into CRM
- Up-to-date information
- Quick link to social media to get some background on your prospect (linked in, twitter, etc)
- Pricing - foundation service does not include mobile numbers, you have to pay more
- Pricing - one of the highest priced services
- Data is never 100% up to date, but there is no way to flag this info or open up a query for them to update an error.
- Reduce time spent searching for info
- Increase call/contact rate
- Increased efficiency for getting information into SFDC
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