Make sure your organization is investing more time with good fit accounts
Overall Satisfaction with EverString
I use EverString to import lists of 1000+ accounts and filter out the companies that are too big or too small to benefit from our platform. EverString allows me to limit the number of bad fit companies that are being sent to our SDR team. Saving everyone time and increasing the opportunities created per demo set.
- Allows you to eliminate companies based on revenue
- Allows you to eliminate companies based on employee count
- Tagging companies based on their industry
- The fit score could be better - It isn't accurate enough
- The industries are too broad
- There are many accounts that don't have contacts
EverString is incredibly easy to get intelligence on. I do think some of the intel isn't accurate but for the most part, it is useful.
For the type of companies we target, manufacturers, the fit score does not work well. It doesn't seem to factor in revenue and employee count for their fit score. There are bad fits that have high fit scores but if it is a good fit it will not have a low fit score.
We don't use EverString for this.
We have increased our demo sets and closing rate in the last 6 months. Part of that increase can be attributed to EverString.
Our AE's are not wasting time by having conversations with bad fit accounts. our SDR's are prospecting a much higher quality pool of accounts. The lead flow is similar but our lead quality has improved.
EverString's filter tool is very useful for use. Simple and effective.
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