FastCall makes Calls Fast!
Overall Satisfaction with FastCall
FastCall is used by our borrower services team, as well as by myself in investor services. I like that I can leave pre-recorded voicemails using FastCall integrated with Salesforce! It has saved so much time, not to mention vocal cord effort, not to have to leave hundreds of personalized voicemails a day! I have thoroughly appreciated just how easy it is to use Fastcall. It's also super easy to look at my call log for the day, and see at a glance if I was able to make contact with an investor, or if I left a voicemail, etc. Furthermore, FastCall is super user-friendly & has been a great addition to our team.
- Pre-recorded voicemails.
- Call logs.
- User-friendly experience.
- Cannot press [enter] to call, you need to manually click on the call button
- There are some features that require more clicks than I would expect, i.e. hanging up requires clicking on [spoke to] as well as [end call], which can be annoying.
- Saves time when calling and leaving many voicemails.
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