Fonality is a truly dialed in phone system.
September 13, 2016

Fonality is a truly dialed in phone system.

Paul Scott | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Fonality

We use Fonality across our entire enterprise. It allows our offices across the United States to call each using four digit dialing, it reduced our monthly cost for telecommunications, and allowed our staff to connect more easily. In particular the chat feature built into the HUD software allows our staff to text one another quick messages and reduce the amount of time the team needs to be on the phone. That paired with Find Me Follow Me, allows our staff to always be in touch wherever work takes them.


  • HUD chat allows our team to text one another while in the office.
  • Online status lets someone see if a team member is at their desk before calling them so if they see them offline they can call their cell phone or send an email.
  • Voicemails are recorded and sent via email saving our team the time of having to call in to check voicemail.


  • The VoIP system uses your office Internet connection which occasionally can lead to distorted or dropped calls. Since we upgraded our Internet service that has become rare.
  • HUDWeb is still in the early stages and it has required some training for our staff and a few things could be easier to use or find but that will come in time.
  • Fonality has saved us money on our monthly fees.
  • It has allowed us to spend more time on other things instead of baby sitting phone systems.
  • It has made our staff more efficient in their jobs.
I love the service and I have had to spend less time providing support for our phones, and given our users maximum flexibility to allow them to use the system in the most effective way for them. We have three companies that we support and all of them use the system in different ways and it suits them all well.

NetFortris (discontinued) Feature Ratings

Hosted PBX
Call reports
Directory of employee names
Answering rules
Call recording
Call park
Message alerts
Audio conferencing
Mobile app for iOS
Mobile app for Android


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