IT Glue, it is for you.
May 31, 2019

IT Glue, it is for you.

Glen Nash | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with IT Glue

IT Glue documents all of our clients' and internal IT information. It is being used across our organization and allows all departments to share the same info. It has created one standard format and location for all needed account information. We would have a difficult time staying on top of documenting ever changing landscapes without this product.


  • Documetation
  • Security
  • Uniformity


  • Slow to open
  • Needs more custom fields
  • Crashes often
  • Conformity
  • Reliability
  • Everything in one place
IT Glue is hands down the best IT documentation platform on the market. It does everything you need and then some. We would be lost without it. Everyone of our techs love it. When we don't have access to it for what ever reason it really makes life difficult.
Easy to train and use. Everything is in the same place. Multi factor authentication and access from anywhere make secure and convenient. Can do my job with out it. It also has a free read and paid write option for the client. We up sell this option making it a money maker as well.
Easy to deploy, train and use.
IT Glue, meant for IT service providers, is great for documenting both large and small environments. It has great fundamentals and the development continues to improve. Every tech can add and search for whats needed. It does lack in the ability to create easy global custom fields. However the pro's out way the con's 100 to 1.


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