A large company's first year experience with Khoros
April 26, 2022
A large company's first year experience with Khoros

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Khoros Communities (Formerly Spredfast + Lithium)
We use Khoros to provide answers to users, especially we want to catch questions that are suited for self service and provide answers before customers reach out to our contact centers. We also want to provide a platform to users that want to discuss exotic situations we don't support in our service agreement. Within our business we calculate our value by prevented contacts.
- Highly customizable, we can build our own web components.
- Great reference guides for development.
- A lot of options to notify our users. E-mail, notification center, live notifications.
- User could have more insights what topics need attention. Maybe an OOTB dashboard fort Super Users.
- Some bugs we have reported take a lot of time to get fixed. Some things must be released in a next maintenance window, some issues are placed on the long term roadmap.
- For a professional Community builder, their own Community (Atlas) is not as lively as promised. Some questions we ask on Atlas get no responses. This is definitely different from what was sold to us.
- New features (Ideation) are released but are very rough around the edges.
- Users have way too many profile settings, also topic and node options are a lot. It would be great if we can edit what menu items and settings are available to our users in Admin.
- Ideas posted on Atlas do not get a lot of engagement. I have not yet seen ideas that have been realised! Some ideas are years old. To be asked to post an idea on Atlas feels like putting the whole suggestion (from us to Khoros) on pause until it is forgotten.
- Customer Satisfaction increased slightly.
- Customer Activity, web traffic, dropped a bit.
- I don't have all the data (our manager has).
We have made use of Professional Services to create some things in the interface we were not able to do ourselves. We actually might benefit from engaging with Strategic Services to accelerate growth, as strategically we could as well have stayed with InSided. The results are the same.
These tools help spot topics with a lot of views, and topics with good or bad success scores. This helps us determining which topics need better content, and which subjects need special attention.
- Product feedback
- New feature ideas
- Access to learning and training resources (e.g. product coaching)
A lot of things we engaged about on Khoros Atlas is still pending or has become silent. They have not yet found the way to our customers in most of the cases. So having access to Khoros Atlas is not very fruitful from a customer perspective.
We are failing ourselves on this one. We noted all the good advice we have gotten to build a new gamification system, but in the transition from InSided to Khoros we had time issues. We went with a very basic gamification / rank and badges system. We are now working on a much better one. We believe the Khoros platform can make the difference here.
See my other options. Khoros is highly customizable and thus has a lot of potential. To realize this potential A LOT of development time from our team is needed. This might defeat the purpose cost wise.
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