KnowBe4 training is worth it for everyone
Overall Satisfaction with KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training
We use KnowBe4 because of all the all the attacks recently. We have seen a dramatic drop in number of clicks after our employees do their training classes. We use it across the whole company, from the CEO to the janitor. They all do the same training and all get the same test emails. It is useful to everyone.
- Easy.
- Fast.
- Educational.
- Professional looking.
- Too good.
- Hard to tell it's from them.
- Lower click rate.
- Less attacks get through.
We did our own version of the test emails. We were able to set up a local server for the fake links to go to if they clicked on it. This was not useful for us to know who was clicking, and also did not allow us to assign more training to the compromised users.
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