Documenting the document-or
August 01, 2016

Documenting the document-or

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

Laserfiche Avante

Overall Satisfaction with Laserfiche

Laserfiche is being utilized, at our company, as a means to organize and quickly pull documents of data to each of our users in a quick and reliable way to minimize wait time. The entire organization benefits from its use and continues to but at a minimal rate.
It has increased productivity in searching through millions of documents and kept security at the peak of its existence.


  • Minimize the load time and speed of pulling and reviewing large documents
  • Made searching a much easier process
  • The automation workflow application is key to keeping all the data in Laserfiche well organized and searchable


  • The documents can't be easily exported in the case of sending a mass amount of documents for business reasons
  • Once the business moves in a direction of updating/purging within Laserfiche, it is really difficult to revert
  • The integration with other applications always seem daunting
Laserfiche works best with storing a very large number of documents and with an already developed key system for finding accounts. It is very much the document master in sorting and shortening time for other users when the whole organization uses this and abides by rules to keep the documents in a well fashioned order.
It's not for businesses that only require the storing of documents for it will not be necessary if all that is needed is a couple of named folders.

Laserfiche Feature Ratings

Content capture & imaging
File sync, storage & archiving
Document management
Records management
Content search & retrieval
Content publishing & creation
Security, risk management & information governance


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