If your prospects are mainly in linkedin in, from manager level to C level, Lusha helps me to find the legit contact information
Overall Satisfaction with Lusha Extension
All of our sales team use Lusha for prospecting, the filters in Lusha is easy to use to filter the company and position they are working including the email and phone number, I think the main source of the databases are from Linkedin. So if your prospects mainly are on LinkedIn this tool is the right decision to make, using chrome extension also made us just a simple open LinkedIn page and the Lusha button will appear to show the details data of the prospects
- Work well when opening www.linkedin.com in chrome
- easy to install and sign in
- giving relevant enough information in LinkedIn, details can be check-in Lusha list dashboard
- Maybe can find another database source out from Linkedin
- Giving me access to extract prospects contacts for cold email and cold calling
- Easier to create list and export it to CSV to be uploaded in any CRM
We can access Middle to C Level contacts information in Lusha, as long as the person is in Linkedin, and the information is legit
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