MindManager/MindJet Enthusiast!
September 20, 2020

MindManager/MindJet Enthusiast!

Veronica Altemus | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with MindManager

My organization doesn't use MindManager but I have been actively using it on my projects my entire consulting career, starting with my first consulting job at a different organization. The owner of that firm introduced it to me. I tend to have members of my team use it (if they like it/find it helpful) and my clients are always interested in purchasing copies once they see it in action. I do HR software consulting, and MindManager has always allowed me to outline/sketch/brainstorm processes and solutions. It's more robust than any other tool I've used to capture solution ideas, current state/future state processes, and pain points 'in the moment' of the sessions/meetings.
  • Strategic Planning
  • Brainstorming
  • Process Mapping
  • Meeting Management
  • Problem Solving


  • Brainstorming and solutioning (especially "in the moment" during meetings).
  • Capturing processes or workflows, especially with complex relationships.
  • Creating decision trees for key decisions.
  • Capturing configuration/solution decisions.


  • Conversion of process maps to Visio.
  • Ability to allow non-licensed users to contribute to a 'published' map.
  • Ability to set your own shortcuts (my new laptop lacks an "insert" key so I can no longer use that shortcut).
  • Plug-ins for Google Drive/Microsoft Office, etc
  • Saved time
  • Display agility in capturing complex topics during workshops/meetings.
I consistently use MindManager to outline current state workflow/process issues and transition to future state workflows/process improvements. I also use it to capture software design decisions, especially in areas that are workflow design-oriented. It's easy to capture actions/to-dos in the moment under a topic and to add more notes/links if needed. My clients definitely respond to this better than attempting to capture these things in Excel or Visio (although I often have to convert these into Microsoft office apps as they are used widely by clients.) The conversion to Word is very helpful in quickly converting the map to a document for team drives/meeting notes, etc.
Mindmanager is well suited to live/in-meeting brainstorming, capturing processes, outlining actions and/or key decisions, and idea-maps. However, it is limited because you have to have a license to use/participate. So, this makes it hard to use in scenarios where clients need to contribute (as they cannot) without exporting to something like word, etc. It would be great if there were guest "accounts" that you could add to a map to contribute (even if it was limited license/editing capabilities).


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