Easy interaction
Updated June 20, 2022

Easy interaction

Burak Delikanlı | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Miro

As architecture educators, we desperately need face-to-face training. because we examine many images, drawings and models produced together with the students. That's why we should make as much use of the interaction possibilities as possible. Miro has provided us with some interaction opportunities that we lost in distance education. We use miro as an interaction tool with students integrated with zoom in online education.


  • Simultaneous interaction
  • Low computing load
  • Focus with cursor tracking


  • Need new solution for pdf processing
  • On mobile devices, if the page’s computing load is high, the app may close (for example iPad pro)
  • Vector-based objects can overwhelm the system. The may be options such as converting them to pixel-based objects
  • Easy interaction
  • Participatory work
  • Easy tracking of jobs
think it will be one of the key applications in the future when it is completely switched to online education. It is one of the pioneers of the market, as increasing the interaction possibilities of the online environment will reduce our dependence on physical environments.
We tried to use it integrated with Zoom, but users preferred to use the non-integrated version instead of using Zoom. We are also premium zoom users.
It does not have a significant contribution to the projects compared to the interaction in the physical environment. We still need the interaction possibilities brought by the physical environment. But miro is a serious step in increasing online interaction opportunities. This interaction isn't just about the application, it's about the computing power of computers, their communication speed, and even human evolution.

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  • MURAL (formerly Mural.ly) and Trello
Because the interaction possibilities and stability are by far greater
Miro works well with students describing their architectural drawings and visuals. We educators can draw on visuals while criticizing the projects. Other students can see these drawings and listen to the critiques. We can work through miro while evaluating projects with other educators. We can lock the boards and use them for digital exhibitions while making end-of-term project exhibitions.


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