Stay Away from Namely!
Overall Satisfaction with Namely
Unfortunately, we use Namely for our HRIS and payroll processing.
- The best thing Namely has is its social media aspect on its home screen for EEs. It has a "Facebook" type feed that EEs can use to interact with each other. This is good for us since a majority of our company is remote workers.
- There are MANY product flaws. First, the system is NOT fully integrated as advertised. Namely is totally false advertising. MANY fields from the HR & payroll do not "talk" to each other. You have to do double work to enter the same info into both places. To top it off, Namely if VERY pricey.
- I won't even go into detail on their customer service or reporting tool. The customer service went from good to bad (You no longer have a dedicated rep. You have to email the service team now). The report writer tool is worthless.
- The system can't calculate a basic 401k ER match correctly. 100% on the first 3% & 50% on the next 2%. Many ERs have this match. Namely's system can't correctly calculate the match for the EEs that elect anything between 3-5%. & it's not on their road map to fix any time soon.
- Deductions with caps do not end date themselves. They will stop once they’ve reached the cap AS LONG AS it’s still within the same year. Once a new year starts, the amount toward the cap is zeroed out & the deduction starts anew – even if it had already stopped. When you enter a deduction, you have to calc the end date yourself & enter it. Otherwise, the deduction will restart with the turn of the new year.
- They say they integrate with Netsuite & Comeet, but the integration is so minimal that's it's not really helpful. It's like they setup a few fields just to claim they have the integration without lying.
- Esignature - we can send multiple docs to 1 person, but we can't send 1 doc to multiple people. So getting a handbook acknowledged by everyone - have fun with that! They say that fixing Esignature is on their 2019 road map but no definite date is set for it.
- I could go on with more. The point is Namely is DEFINITELY NOT worth the headache or the cost!
- The ROI for the cost of Namely is way too low. Namely is DEFINITELY NOT worth the headache or cost!
In my career, I have used ADP, Paycor, & Paylocity. I have also evaluated Paycom & Paychex. I used to think that Paylocity was bad. They were a walk in the park compared to Namely. Namely is BY FAR the WORST system I have every had to use.
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