The webinars discovery
Updated August 04, 2020

The webinars discovery

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
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Overall Satisfaction with ON24

We mainly use ON24 to launch our insights reports. A week or so before the launch date, we host two webinars for our teams (no less than 80-100 attendees in each one) and two more for clients on the launch day (our record has been 1,000 registrants and about 500 attendees within two sessions or a launch). Around the world, it's used by our Marketing and Insights Teams to present recent insights to our clients although normally related to content launches. The business problems webinar address are basically the liability and complexity of other systems such as Skype or Webex, and the possibility to offer our clients multiple touch points with our company as well as a short and sweet way to catch up with our insights.
  • Internal communications
  • Lead generation
  • Training


  • Recording training sessions for newcomers, i.e. Google Analytics, Hootsuite,etc.
  • On-demand views for clients: we didn't do that before but it's amazing to see how the views and leads of webinars keep coming from on-demand viewers.
  • The automated emails are wonderful and can be personalized easily.
  • Super easy for attendees to connect just with their compute,. no phone call needed.
  • Producer figure is a plus. Makes it easier to manage webinars.


  • When a webcam is involved, everything can happen. In my opinion, it's not developed enough and the fact that the person you see on screen can't really be chosen by the producer is a shame. I had a really bad experience with several people from around the world connected and since then, I haven't used that option anymore.
  • The console builder could be enhanced too, too many buttons to click to just change a comma or the size of the widgets.
  • Why can't I schedule easily a 45-minute webinar? They all have to be in 30-minutes slots and we know that if it's more or less, people complain because they blocked that time in their calendars.
  • It's not possible to delete an uploaded PPT, you always have to replace it, and it can be confusing.
  • In the Presenter's view, it would be great if you could hide more than one slide at a time. Also, if you upload a PPT with slides that are hidden, it would be great to keep them like this once uploaded.
  • Instead of raising an incident, I'd like to delete test/run through webinars myself.
  • When you have a lot of webinars, and from a lot of countries in my case, it would be very useful to be able to create folders to tidy them up.
  • For attendees in a live webinar, it gets stuck more times than we'd desire and this is a constant in the feedback at the satisfaction survey we do at the end.
I'm looking forward to it! For now, we import manually all those registrants who want to receive our newsletter.
  • In terms of internal training, ON24 makes it easier for us to attend international meetings and we save a lot of time thanks to recorded trainings.
  • Since we have ON24, we link all insights launches (6 a year at least) to webinars and we have created a dynamic in which we can see very loyal attendees to our webinars and a boost of sales leads with people showing more interest in how to apply the content of the webinar to their business.
Imagine you have 500 registrants. You know just half of them may show up, let's say 200. How many times does it take to your sales/clients teams to reach this amount of clients or prospects? And you have them all in one hit. No pressure, but it better go well.
As mentioned, we felt they were not as reliable and easy to use as ON24.
ON24 is great for sharing slides and doing a speech for no more than 30 minutes but engagement is key. People can ask in the Q&A window and it is great when the speaker can devote some time to answer them live. This is a request we normally get from our audiences and depends on how comfortable the speaker is, but it is worth it to at least answer a couple of queries. In internal webinars, it's maybe a bit cold when what you try is to engage your teams and make them feel like they are participating in the conversation. Q&As and polls are colder than listening to your colleague's voice asking the questions themselves.

ON24 Feature Ratings

Branding options
Participant roles & permissions
Confidential attendee list
Calendar integration
Record meetings / events
Event registration

ON24 and Communications During a Pandemic

It has some bugs, especially when it's supposed to be crowded with lots of people running webinars at the same time. For instance, it takes a long time to upload a deck or to create the file with the recording to be able to download it in mp4.
  • Internal communications
  • Lead generation
  • Product Marketing

ON24 Support

You always get an immediate response through the chat. I used the emergengy phone a couple of times and the response was also quick and helpful.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Yes - No, I suggested to make it possible to set 45 minutes webinars and it seems an easy thing to do but it's still not possible.
A couple of times the PPT deck was taking too long to upload and the webinar was about to start and they helped me uploading it straight away.


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