Square Appointments Came Just in Time!
April 09, 2020
Square Appointments Came Just in Time!

Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Square Appointments
Our company didn't have a constant need for scheduling until we suddenly did. We needed to schedule 250-300 attorneys to come to our studio for professional portraits within a month's time for a project with the Bar Association. We used Square Appointments to contact and schedule the appointments (each about 15 minutes), and with a few exceptions, it worked well from our side and the attorneys' side.
- Square had good interoperability with Google Calendar, so all of our calendars were in sync.
- Square Appointments we easy to use for clients, and with a few Luddite exceptions, worked flawlessly.
- Square Appointments made it easy to schedule appointments without having multiple email messages or play phone tag with anyone.
- Some clients using older browsers and operating systems were unable to use Square Appointments.
- Square Appointments enabled us to deal with a large number of clients in a much more rapid time frame than we would have done otherwise.
- Square Appointments has empowered us to go after other large organizations' business for photography sessions.
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