Great Way to Recognize Employees
Updated January 08, 2021
Great Way to Recognize Employees

Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with TINYpulse
Our organization uses TINYpulse to send and answer anonymous surveys, evaluate what is working and what changes need to be made within the company, and recognize employee successes with the “cheers” feature. TINYpulse allows cheers to be sent and company values to be tagged. In the past, we have used cheers for employee recognition events, awarding those who have the greatest number of cheers.
- Users can submit anonymous comments or suggestions. We have had some positive changes resulting from this, such as increased DEI initiatives and organization.
- Anonymous surveys allow senior leadership to determine weaknesses. If you give a low rating, an administrator can reach out anonymously for more information.
- Cheers are a great way to recognize employees and coworkers for accomplishments.
- If email notifications are turned off, it can be difficult to find the unanswered surveys on the TINYpulse site.
- Adding more encouragement to send cheers.
- Employee retention
Do you think TINYpulse delivers good value for the price?
Are you happy with TINYpulse's feature set?
Did TINYpulse live up to sales and marketing promises?
I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process
Did implementation of TINYpulse go as expected?
I wasn't involved with the implementation phase
Would you buy TINYpulse again?
Using TINYpulse
30 - Our entire company uses TinyPluse. This represents all employees in departments ranging from Finance to Development to Marketing.
1 - We have TinyPluse administrators that release questions and polls on the site. They also will respond to complaints or address any issues that arise. You will always receive a response within a week from them, usually sooner.
- Transparency
- Recommendations
- Recognition
- We have used the poll feature in a variety of ways including voting for what holiday organization staff would prefer donating too.
- Recognizing staff with a prize for those who received the most 'cheers'
- Determining staff opinion on telework, office space
Evaluating TINYpulse and Competitors
- Price
- Product Features
- Product Usability
- Product Reputation
I was not the decision maker but I believe staff looked at features and usability as a large factor.
TINYpulse Implementation
TINYpulse Training
- no training
Yes it was easy. I am on the tech savvy side so others may like to see a tutorial but it was not necessary for me.
TINYpulse Support
Pros | Cons |
Quick Resolution Good followup Knowledgeable team Problems get solved Kept well informed No escalation required Immediate help available Support understands my problem Support cares about my success | None |
Using TINYpulse
Pros | Cons |
Relatively simple Easy to use Technical support not required Well integrated Consistent Quick to learn Convenient Feel confident using Familiar | None |
- Answering surveys
- Email notifications
- Viewing survey results
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