New user - and loving every minute of it!
Overall Satisfaction with UltiPro
We use the product to manage all HR and Payroll functions of our organization for our 3 companies. We have employees at over 100 sites and in 10 states and we are able to effectively serve them and connect with them via our employee portal which is fantastic!
- All of our HR and Payroll data is now stored and accessed from one site in one system.
- Although we have 3 companies we are able to report off of them individually and together to meet our business needs.
- Real time information is fantastic! No more waiting around for black out periods between payroll processing cycles. Keeps our down time at a minimum and delivers information back to us instantly.
- Wage attachment functionality needs to be improved. When employees with multiple withholding orders are setup the system isn't currently equipped to calculate them without manual overrides.
- We are already seeing cost savings compared to our previous provider. No more nickel and diming expenses. You know what you will pay up front and budgeting then for the year is a breeze.
The difference in customer service between these 2 companies is night and day. Couldn't be happier to move to a company that is in touch with the current employment climate and who really make People First their number one priority.
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