My Workplace by Facebook review
September 15, 2021

My Workplace by Facebook review

Leonardo Gonzalez | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Workplace from Facebook

Workplace by Facebook is used in my organization basically to carry out
broadcasts of events, celebrations, announcements, or to provide
information in a massive way to all employees in a simple way by sharing
multi-media content without the need to install additional components on
the computer. Generally this type of broadcast is aimed at large


  • No need to install plug in
  • Useful for broadcasting live content to large audiences
  • Extend Webex controls to stream


  • File and whiteboard sharing support while live streaming
  • Support for automatically translate the live streaming
  • In some companies, security and privacy are sensitive issues and this is something to take into account when enabling streaming to a user
  • Wide range of available layouts
  • No need to install additional software or plug-ins
  • Multiple hosts available
  • It is a simple and effective way to reach large audiences especially in times of pandemic like today
  • In companies where privacy and information security are of paramount importance, such as mine, and approval process had to be created to allow certain users to have access to the feature
  • The use of the tool is so simple that it was not necessary to train or train its users

Do you think Workplace from Meta delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with Workplace from Meta's feature set?


Did Workplace from Meta live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of Workplace from Meta go as expected?


Would you buy Workplace from Meta again?


The recommended scenarios and where Workplace by Facebook
fulfills the objective in a wonderful way are those where you want to transmit
a message live to large audiences, without the need for the receivers of the
transmission to install an application or additional components on their
computers. The opposite case applies to events where all participants are
required to have the need to interact with the interlocutors or in low-mass


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