Planview AdaptiveWork vs. Planview Portfolios

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
Planview AdaptiveWork
Score 7.2 out of 10
Planview AdaptiveWork is a web-based collaborative work management software. Planview AdaptiveWork enables users to connect employees and partners and create documents, reports and specialized workflow automation. Planview AdaptiveWork is designed to work across multiple teams to enable cross-company task, project, and resource management.N/A
Planview Portfolios
Score 8.3 out of 10
Planview Portfolios is an end-to-end project portfolio management and enterprise architecture management tool. It includes two components: Portfolio and Resource Management and Capability and Technology Management. The platform is available as a cloud-based or on-premise service.N/A
Planview AdaptiveWorkPlanview Portfolios
Editions & Modules
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Pricing Offerings
Planview AdaptiveWorkPlanview Portfolios
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Planview AdaptiveWorkPlanview Portfolios
Considered Both Products
Planview AdaptiveWork

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Planview Portfolios
Chose Planview Portfolios
Odoo, like this platform, has allowed us to efficiently organize our projects so that they can be prioritized by importance, to know which is the most urgent, in addition, it has also allowed us to assign work in an organized way among our collaborators, and their reports have …
Best Alternatives
Planview AdaptiveWorkPlanview Portfolios
Small Businesses
Score 8.9 out of 10
Score 8.5 out of 10
Medium-sized Companies
Score 8.9 out of 10
Score 9.1 out of 10
Score 8.8 out of 10
Score 9.1 out of 10
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User Ratings
Planview AdaptiveWorkPlanview Portfolios
Likelihood to Recommend
(78 ratings)
(113 ratings)
Likelihood to Renew
(26 ratings)
(18 ratings)
(5 ratings)
(12 ratings)
(3 ratings)
(3 ratings)
(5 ratings)
(2 ratings)
Support Rating
(7 ratings)
(11 ratings)
In-Person Training
(2 ratings)
(1 ratings)
Online Training
(5 ratings)
(3 ratings)
Implementation Rating
(4 ratings)
(4 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(3 ratings)
Contract Terms and Pricing Model
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
Ease of integration
(1 ratings)
(1 ratings)
Product Scalability
(0 ratings)
(2 ratings)
Professional Services
(0 ratings)
(2 ratings)
Vendor post-sale
(1 ratings)
(2 ratings)
Vendor pre-sale
(1 ratings)
(1 ratings)
User Testimonials
Planview AdaptiveWorkPlanview Portfolios
Likelihood to Recommend
I've been an AdaptiveWork (Clarizen) admin for the past 14 years, so I've seen much improvement since I started working with the product. I'm very happy we can utilize the hybrid mode by using the cards, I think this was long overdue but it works very well.
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Planview Portfolios is well suited to provide a single, central, view of the truth. There is clear expansion capabilities to integrate it as a true Enterprise toolset with existing organisation wide (not just delivery) - you can pick and choose what you need to implement and that list gets longer. The ability to quickly gain an understanding of resources within the overall portfolio and some really clever tools regarding capacity and demand modelling. I think the only challenge we have encountered is modelling our Business as Usual activity to a level of detail - this is due to other tools being very embedded not just in the organisation but across a lot of industries.
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  • Many ways to acclimate to the system; documentation, videos, community, and contacts.
  • Planview provides scalable customization options tailored to the unique needs of each business unit or department. Easily add or remove fields in the system. As the admin, it was easy to learn how to configure.
  • Offers flexibility to adapt to existing systems and align with organizational workflows and processes. There are multiple ways to customize each part of the system to meet our needs.
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  • Manage large portfolios with thousands of projects.
  • Roll up financials across strategic hierarchy for projects around the world.
  • Manage access in multiple ways so we can set up each user/role with just the right permissions.
  • Support a variety of reporting and analytics methods.
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  • When it comes to reports, it would be great if there was an easy way to roll-up the results instead of having to create configurations to summarize data.
  • The consultant experience has not been great when it comes to more advanced needs for configurations. The consultants are in a different timezone which limits hours to work together and it seems hours are spent trying to determine what the requirement is and when the initial thought is that the configuration is possible, it may result in not being able to assist.
  • Charts in the reports section are not able to be exported
  • When pulling a report together, you need to make sure you pull from the right "item" or level. If you decide you need data that resides in another "item" or level, you need to re-do the report from the beginning.
  • Because the system is so configurable and I imagine different clients use the system differently, when you need something automated in your account, where you need to pull a consultant or SME in, the person doesn't necessarily understand your configurations and how things work so they are unable to give recommendations on how to solve problems that don't impact other configurations you already have set up in the system.
  • Templates cannot be updated unless they are pulled into a project and then re-saved. In the templates module, you are not able to open a template and edit to re-save. Therefore, making updates to a template can be very time consuming having to find a project to use to pull it in, make updates, re-save and then pull out. It would be great if the templates module allowed you to edit the templates and re-save.
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  • Capturing lower-level detailed expenditures within a project so that financial screens can show the details of the roll-up.
  • Reporting flexibility so that end users can create their own quick ad hoc reports for analysis.
  • Capturing matrixed skills on resources to ensure staffing is adequate and better align demand to supply.
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Likelihood to Renew
I give my renewal of this product a 9. It's only because we never know what product may come out next and how other factors in our office political environment may cause impact upon this. If I always had my way, this is what we'd settle on as our de facto project management system.
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We have been a Planview customer since 1999 and have seen it grow and mature as a tool. We have looked at other tools and have found that PV continues to meet our needs and is easy for our resources to use. They work to stay up on the project management industry and the direction it is going, keep on on current technology so that we can work more effectively, provide excellent customer support and have great pricing for what they offer. We can purchase only the modules we need versus buying a tool where we would only use a portion of the functionality.
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It is easy to configure, intuitive. The customization process is in some ways better than It has a great UI. It does however depend on how it's implemented.

The design of it is generally fine, however the ability to data upload people from a spreadsheet is an obvious miss.
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The toolset is provisioned as a SaaS solution making it very easy to scale up / down as our user bases increase/decrease. There are some features around the planning capability that could be improved to enable ease of access to our PMs e.g. dependency management (while powerful) dependency management doesn't allow you to add constraints in the same field - you have to click to a separate area
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Reliability and Availability
Sometimes it is slow when everyone is entering their time on Fridays or Mondays but other than that we rarely see downtime and maintenance notifications are well in advance.
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We are long time Planview users and its availability is only limited to our internal SLAs for nightly backups. I have never experienced any unexpected or prolonged software downtime from Planview itself.
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Reports: Quick to Reasonable

Most Ancillary Pages: Quick to Reasonable
(By "ancillary" I mean lesser used/master data maintenance pages - e.g. People, Customers, Individual Tasks, Milestones, etc.)

Work Plan (with 100 sub items): Reasonable to Slow
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There are occasions when the system is a bit sluggish. However, it may not always be on the Planview side. We are investing in better tools to monitor our network performance, which will help us diagnose issues more effectively in the future.
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Support Rating
It's a good experience overall. Clarizen was useful when needed. It's mostly needed for advice on how to do more sophisticated actions or how to change something that was set up administratively. It's seldom used otherwise. The product consistently works, the documentation is acceptable, and the generally intuitive product is easy enough for most staff to pick up without much issue.
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Going through proper channels of support is fine for minor to moderate issues. However, lately the critical issues that arise have been frequent and the standard support cases do not always seem to relay just how critical these issues are and we have to utilize our customer rep to help escalate. Fortunate to have that escalation method.
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In-Person Training
• We worked with a Project Manager on their side. He was very good about developing a project plan to hit our goal. I think we had weekly or twice weekly calls – very steady cadence over 3 month period.
• Their PM skills were great – kept us on task. For the last week, they sent 2 people on site and they did training for power users. After that a couple of them revisited here
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Online Training
Our trainer, Alex, is exceptional and knows the product really well. I swear he must have wrote the product himself! His manner with training is very easy going, gives you homework that is applicable to what you need to learn and stages it correctly for you. It was a pleasure to be trained by him.
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Generally good. Sometimes, users are a bit overwhelmed, and it takes multiple sessions for them to get the hang of it.
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Implementation Rating
I performed the implementation with our Clarizen provide trainer, who knew the product 100% and it went quickly and without a problem. It was a pleasurable process without the problems other software implementation often encounter. Kudos to the Clarizen team for making this a worry free process for their clients because it is worry free.
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Always have a pre-implementation meeting or conference call with Planview to ensure all are on the same page, disclosure of all and any customization (including reports) and plan for support after implementation of a specified amount of time with the assigned implementation resource. And document everything
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Alternatives Considered
Planview AdaptiveWork was the right size, at the right price point that fit our customization and integration flexibility. It is intuitive to use but allowed us to add complexity as our needs grew
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We are currently using Planview AgilePlace. Also we use Tasktop Hub for integrating with other applications within the organization. We would like to use ProjectPlace which is integrated with Planview Portfolios in the future.
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Contract Terms and Pricing Model
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Did not help purchase product.
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We are constantly growing and expanding. It is challenging to accommodate different user needs, but the system does provide means of doing that as we desire.
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Professional Services
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some resources were great, but too much on their plates to be available
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Return on Investment
  • By implementing Planview AdaptiveWork on a company-wide level, we have been able to remove the other project management tools we have been using and consolidate our costs for technology down to a single tool
  • The ability to incorporate cross-departmental work and communication has streamlined our project management processes to a point where we can work seamlessly together without interruption trying to consider the gaps between tools
  • Reporting capabilities from the unified tool has given our leadership insight and the ability to make strategic business decisions more effectively than ever
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  • The positive impact is the ability to manage our projects enterprise wide.
  • Managing and reporting on projects and programs via portfolios makes it easy to identify troubled projects/programs that need immediate attention.
  • The negative is that pushing too much change too quickly is hard for us. We need to get our users focused on the basics of PM before we can adopt everything else. We need to introduce change to different companies based on their maturity level. Too much change too quickly is not always beneficial. We need to focus on core competencies.
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Planview AdaptiveWork Screenshots

Screenshot of AdaptiveWork's Portfolio ManagementScreenshot of Integration Through an Array of AppsScreenshot of Real-Time Project ManagementScreenshot of Social Collaboration - From Ideation to Project Delivery

Planview Portfolios Screenshots

Screenshot of END to END VISIBILITY: Planview offers complete visibility across all strategic endeavors, the status, spend, and progress. This gives organizations a connected view of how all initiatives are tracking without having to manage disparate teams and tools.Screenshot of SCENARIO ANALYSIS: Unlike strategic portfolio management solutions that only allow users to create different plans and manually compare them, Planview users can compare plans, analyze investment trade-offs, and prioritize investments across different types of portfolios to ensure delivery of the best outcomes. This helps users to ensure the organization's capacity and investments are aligned to the highest priority initiatives.Screenshot of PERSONALIZED USER EXPERIENCE: Planview can create unique, real-time views based on a job and the status, progress, and other data-oriented use cases. As a result, it can pinpoint where to focus, issues to address, and risks to mitigate in a single view.Screenshot of DYNAMIC PLANNING AND FUNDING: Unlike applications that do not allow for the reprioritization of in-flight initiatives, with Planview you can pivot plans and key priorities at any time, and continue planning as needed based on your organizational strategies and goals. As a result, you get a portfolio mix of investments, initiatives, products, and projects that meet stakeholder and customer expectations.Screenshot of GENERATIVE AI ASSISTANT: Unlike other AI Copilots, Planview Copilot taps into decades of Planview knowledge and learnings from thousands of Planview customers to glean insights, derive recommendations based on best practices, and inform strategic decisions. It connects data across project and product initiatives to help you understand insights from all parts of your organization – and it does this using a natural language interface. As a result, you can surface previously hidden insights, identify delivery risks, and act in seconds.