Workday Adaptive Planning(formerly Adaptive Insights) is a financial planning and reporting tool. It includes automated budgeting and forecasting, financial reporting, and other active planning capabilities, including integrations with third-party products like Salesforce.
Workday Financial Management
Score 8.2 out of 10
Workday Financial Management is built on a global foundation that provides organizations with the core financial management capabilities expected from a modern cloud solution. It goes well beyond just managing financial processes to achieve greater insight, improve financial consolidation and reduce time to close, instill internal control and auditability, and achieve consistency across global operations. By using an in-memory architecture and object data model,…
Like I said in a previous question, the fact that there was downtime that was needed to update all the data that was entered in a day was not ideal. This caused for hours lost on the data update and didn't allow our leaders to see the affects immediately like Workday Adaptive …
I haven't used a separate planning tool in great depth like Adaptive. Our company used Host Analytics prior to Adaptive but I didn't have a lot of experience with it. The other software I've used for planning is Excel. Excel is obviously capable of a lot of complex lookups and …
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Chose Workday Adaptive Planning
Our previous platform was patchwork tools and unintegrated. We were clunky and poorly organized. The system was slow and
difficult to use, and it was either overhaul it or start over. We evaluated our
options holistically and went with Workday. It works better and faster, and …
I prefer Adaptive Planning in comparison to Planful and Data Rails. It feels like is has been easier to use with a quicker learning curve. The other systems were more intimidating for the nonfinance users, like the budget owners who would only need it for reporting or inputting …
In a previous company, I was hired based on my experience with Workday Adaptive Planning. After being hired and reviewing the company, I quickly determined they were not large of enough of a company to need the program. Instead, we made better Excel budget templates, utilized OneDrive and created a better experience without the cost. Left the job after 9 months because I worked my way out of the position. My next role I looked for bigger companies and had better success with implementation.
Workday is well suited for managing employees throughout their full life cycle. It excels at housing employee data from the start of their time with the company through their departure. Workday is less suited to payroll functions, which could be more robust.
It helps create dynamic plans for finances, operations and various functional units in an organization all under one platform
It helps in scenario modeling to help analyze various business events and report by any number of business dimensions including channel, customer or product
It can be integrated with any system including ERP, BI or CRM
The flexibility of going beyond handling the accounts, where we can handle cash, assets, and accounting simultaneously for the customer.
The single platform offers grants management where you can organize the lifecycle of the grants and synchronize it with any criteria of grant closing out scheme.
I personally liked Project billing with the essence of evaluating project revenue and nice reporting templates that can be shared with the customer at any stage of the project while having the flexibility of auditing the reported cost.
Web reports and sheets are not great for in-depth reporting, and require the use of the OfficeConnect for Excel plugin and, therefore, the use of Excel for extensive reporting capabilities.
It has limited formula functionality in some instances, requiring again the use of OfficeConnect for Excel for extensive calculations.
I would like to see new planning sheet types or upgrades to existing sheet types; functionality has been the same for over 10 years.
For one we're in way too deep to not move forward with Adaptive. We're integrated with Workday, we do a ton of reporting with Adaptive, and it's working very well for planning and forecasting. No reason to look back or change course.
Workday Adaptive Planning has detailed online help with both articles and videos that are comprehensive. It has a lot of similarities to Excel, which most finance people are already familiar with, plus the user interface is intuitive and easy to pick up. The online support team is quick to respond and very knowledgeable.
Workday is easy enough navigate, as long as it is properly set up. With that said, it can be put together in a modular fashion as well, allowing for a very high degree of flexibility in terms of design and process delegation. Finally, it makes consolidation achievable in times previously unthinkable.
There haven't been any lately. The only one issue I can think of is when there was an update in Adaptive that altered our reports. Before I realized there was an issue, Adaptive reached out to let me know, so that it could be fixed.
All aspects of Adaptive Insights perform well. One area that I wish was quicker was integration. When importing data from Intacct our accounting ERP platform, it can sometimes take 4 hours for the import to process. The earlier imports are done, the quicker they complete. My estimate for a quick upload is about two hours.
Whenever we have had any questions, issues, or concerns, the support has been quick and thorough. [This] allow[s] us to be able to fully resolve any issues, or be connected with the right group quickly to attain the result we were after; be it from simple formatting to adding new detailed reporting.
Our support team has been awesome. They are extremely knowledgeable and have been able to guide us through all of the challenges we have faced. Workday's community online is also extremely helpful with many trainings and help topics that can be reviewed at your convenience.
This was extremely helpful so that they could walk you through the model and teach you more about the complexity of various areas. It is most helpful when it is specific to your organization's model. The larger in-person trainings were helpful but they tended to be more generic and entry level. The trainings that are more tailored to your specific needs are the most helpful.
They often times tended to be way too generic or entry level. They would also become sales pitches to upgrade or get new Adaptive Planning products. The questions in the training would be very niche and specific to other organizations. They were rarely helpful to the group at large.
Trust the expertise of very strong 3rd party implementers. Having deployed Adaptive at a separate company before, I thought I knew it all (hubris, I know). Fortunately, I began to (very quickly) trust the judgment of our Carlson implementation team, and they provided invaluable insights and best-in-class processes that have benefitted me and my team greatly.
Workday became our choice because it is fully web-based and easily integrates with other systems. The learning curve for Workday was shorter than that of Dynamics. The reporting tools in Workday are more user-friendly than that of Dynamics. However Workday did not have Check Printing tools which are available in Dynamics. The organization started a project to digitize all financial transactions so it was not a priority feature. When it comes to scaling up the functionalities of Workday it was much easier than Dynamics.
Despite Airtable also being easier to use one thing that differentiates and put forth Workday Financial Management tool above is it's key features and better suited functionality for handling confidential data. The other positive note where Workday Financial Management performs high is it key analytics tool that's easier to use and representation of information into insightful dashboards.
We went from 2 users to 70+ users over a 2 year period of time. The application scaled wonderfully. 65 of those users were non-finance users so they were able to quickly learn the software and prepare budgets quickly and efficiently. That is the power of Adaptive and its ability to scale
It's facilitated a better financial literacy and management by the non-financial managers in the company, giving them a much better ability to see what they're spending, control it, and plan better in the future.
It's hard to quantify the ease of model and version management, but we could never do what we're doing now with our current staff. It would take a small army to replicate anything close to what Adaptive pulls off using Excel, if it's even possible.
We were able to combine 4 different HR modules into one system.
We reduced data breach incidents by 95% after shifting to Workday. One of our legacy softwares had vulnerabilities.
The initial learning curve was higher than projected. We spent about a week to 10 days extra time deploying it, which affected the profit center that year.