Great automations
Overall Satisfaction with ActiveCampaign
ActiveCampaign is great for email campaigns and automations. It has saved our business a lot of time. I would greatly recommend this product to all E-learning companies as this would be a great time arbitrage for your business. The email sequence and automation function is intuitive and great to use. I will continue to use this product.
- Automation
- Email campaigns
- Email sequences
- Pricing
- User interface
- Education on email marketing
- Positive ROI
- Constant sales from leads
- Sales from email automation
I have used Mailchimp, but the email automation and email sequence function is not as intuitive. Pricing is also relatively competitive. Overall, I enjoy using ActiveCampaign and will continue to use this product. I would highly recommend this to other online businesses that are seeking efficient ways to automate their business.
Do you think ActiveCampaign delivers good value for the price?
Not sure
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Did ActiveCampaign live up to sales and marketing promises?
Did implementation of ActiveCampaign go as expected?
Would you buy ActiveCampaign again?
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