Everhour, a great choice for time tracking and integrations
July 05, 2019
Everhour, a great choice for time tracking and integrations

Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Everhour
We use Everhour to manage time effectively across projects and internal clients. It ensures we are efficient and gives us the ability to estimate time on marketing projects to a greater degree of accuracy, helping in resource allocation and utilisation.
- Very powerful reporting tools for analysis.
- Very good interface which is simple to use
- Being able to edit time directly from the Asana interface would be useful.
- We are able to estimate time on projects better, meaning we run over less, and can get more done.
- Full utilisation of resource is more finely managed through Everhour.
- Harvest and Calamari
In our decision making process, we investigated a number of different providers of time management/tracking software. We chose Everhour due to deep API integrations with various pieces of 3rd party software packages, in particular our Project Management tool Asana, which is delivering fantastic results for us as a Marketing Department.
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