No longer flying blind thanks to Hubspot
October 31, 2014

No longer flying blind thanks to Hubspot

Mike Brackenridge | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Overall Satisfaction with HubSpot

HubSpot has been nothing short of revolutionary for us here at Love Volunteers. In fact, knowing what we know now, and with the information we now have at our finger tips, we look back on the years before HubSpot and wonder how we managed to get by, like we were 'flying blind' for years. We are a small team, and must therefore take on multiple roles within our ever expending organisation, so the HubSpot software has not only provided us with the knowledge and insight into industry best practice for our Inbound Marketing Solutions, but has all the tools laid out in a very simple, user-friendly format. Six months in now and our traffic rank and marketing performance grades (part of the HubSpot analytic tools) are simply outstanding. We have done in six months what it would have taken us years to accomplish, all thanks to the wonderful training and support, and the easy to use tools HubSpot provides.
Love Volunteers is proud to be part of the HubSpot family and we recommend the software to ANY organisatio! It is money very well spent!


  • HubSpot is leading the way in re-inventing personal customer service. In a world of outsourcing and automated 'support centers', HubSpot is one of the few companies you can call upon at any time and get a positive and proactive response. The knowledge of their support and technical teams has been nothing short of outstanding.
  • Easy to use tools. The tools contained within the HubSpot software are laid out in a simple and user-friendly format. I don't profess to know all of the functionality yet, but ask me how to improve your SEO or engage leads more effectively, and watch me go! That's thanks to the tool HubSpot has provided me.
  • Breadth of coverage. There are many companies offering solutions to parts of the puzzle, just parts. But with HubSpot you get the whole picture, in one simple package, with one team to go to for support.


  • I have found the formatting functionality when creating emails or landing pages to be tricky. What looks good on the 'draft view' is completely different on the 'live page' view, meaning once completed, there are several attempts at going back and forth to get the formatting right.
  • When creating emails, you must first set up the template with modules, save, then go to another area to create the email. If you want to add a module, you need to save and go back the the original template. This seems overly complicated to me, and this functionality should be available while building the email itself.
  • The tools provided within the HubSpot software have significantly improved our SEO, and therefore our traffic rank has plummeted.
  • Increased conversion rates. Since incorporating the HubSpot software, our conversion rates have almost doubled. Yes that's increased income, but more importantly to us, that's doubled the amount of volunteer hours we can place in developing countries around the world.
  • Customer Engagement. Through the use of the landing page, CTA and email tools, we have revolutionized the way we reach out to potential client, leads, and customers. For us this can be seen in the marked increase in traffic and interaction we are getting on our social media pages. We reach them more, we share more things with them, we engage them like never before. Strangers have become followers, and followers have become family. That's the way we like it.
HubSpot has changed the way we do business. We feel like we are no longer flying blind, and can see not only what we are doing, but what our competitors are doing, which keeps us proactive and responsive. We are sure there is so much more we can and will learn from HubSpot, the software and the support team, and will continue to maintain our relationship with them.
HubSpot is great for the novice, like us. We had very little marketing knowledge, let alone inbound or online marketing that this field has become. In this respect HubSpot was perfect for our organisation, but for the more experienced, the package may fall short of providing ground breaking change. Though note here that I do not profess to know or use all of the functionality available through the HubSpot software.


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