Bring back agility to your marketing strategy
January 11, 2017

Bring back agility to your marketing strategy

Thomas Sauzedde | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Kameleoon

We started by using Kameleoon in our marketing team but we quickly expanded its use. Designers could see what visitors actually liked, marketers which products to push depending on specific visitors’ segments, sales what products people looked at the most, etc… Based on these insights, we are able to develop optimization strategies and implement them swiftly with Kameleoon.


  • Any kind of A/B test, from a simple text change to the full revamp of a website.
  • Personnalization of user experience based on previous competitors' visited websites.
  • Develop a strong promotion and marketing animation.


  • We needed help from our IT team on some of the most advanced personalized experiences.
  • We need help from the Kameleoon support team on some of the most advanced personalized experiences.
  • Would have liked more integrations with third party tools, Adobe Campaign for example.
  • Kameleoon allowed us to adopt an ROI 1st and experimental approach to our marketing and design.
  • We improved conversions across the board. We have run several dozens of A/B tests, some with positive and negative results, but already saw on ROI on our investment.
Same set of features, but [Kameleoon has] a good support team and high commitment to help us succeed.
Yes, I would recommend Kameleoon to any marketers that want to closely monitor and optimize their user experience. Making informed design and Marketing decisions with measurable results was a welcomed change for sure.


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