Laserfiche, Your Solution for AP Invoicing and Document Warehousing. RUN SMARTER!
Overall Satisfaction with Laserfiche
Laserfiche (with Quick Fields plug-in) is utilized by AP for AP invoicing and document warehousing. Our plants scan the invoices to a shared drive and enter the info into our ERP. Our Corp AP pulls the docs into Laserfiche via Quick Fields (using barcode recognition and metadata, which is pulled from our ERP via SQL, Quick Fields automatically sorts, stores, and categorizes by year and vendor).
- Document warehousing
- Process efficiency via digital automation
- Paper reduction
- Support (they're very knowledgable but always seem annoyed to help - I'm speaking to our LF support vendor which is a 3rd party, not the LF corporate office)
- Quick Fields "Recent Sessions" is the springboard for that process and there's no way to sort the sessions which is frustrating when dealing with 50+ separate sessions
- Cohesion amongst our Plant AP and Corp AP departments increased
- Cost reduction due to reduced paper usage offsets some of the product cost
- AP employees are much more efficient, we were able to eliminate a full time position (DID NOT FIRE! Just turned the position into a part time position when the AP lady in that position retired).
No products, just the attempt of manually scanning paper (or saving those already in digital format) into Microsoft folder tree structures (which were not searchable by amounts, vendor names, invoice numbers, etc. like they are in Laserfiche). LF obviously blows that ugly process away!
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