Microsoft 365 is really well rounded
May 29, 2021

Microsoft 365 is really well rounded

Mark Bosch | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version

Microsoft Office (Installed)

Overall Satisfaction with Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365)

Our company adopted Microsoft 365 a few years ago. Having this included for our office employees has changed the way we do business. No more version differences, no more need to find CD's to download, no more purchasing Microsoft programs separately. This all inclusive plan takes care of it all for us.


  • Updates - Always have the latest version.
  • Easy downloads - Straight from the website for new users.
  • Easy admin tools.


  • Linking with GoDaddy, OneDrive is not useful to us.
  • When you save, it wants to save to OneDrive every time instead of remembering the local drive.
  • Ability to add Microsoft programs, such as Project, without purchasing separately.
  • Ease of access to download.
  • No crashing and automatic updates (always the latest version).
  • All inclusive.
  • Increased efficiency - No more having to download each Microsoft program you need.
  • The cost of a full package is much cheaper than buying each program separately.
  • The ability to work together on files without losing information is great!

Do you think Microsoft 365 delivers good value for the price?


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Would you buy Microsoft 365 again?


Microsoft 365 can be used by a small office crew, or a large corporation. For a small office crew, the Teams and other features aren't usually used. However, the ability to add a user, and then download all of office at one time is a benefit I wish would have been available years ago. If you are a smaller company, this can still be use[ful] for you.


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